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Doggie Spots?


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I have a doberman that has alot of little spots in one of his armpits, i took him to the vet and he said they are fine. but they dont apear to be going away. there like tiny pimples, i just wondered if anyone elses dog has had anything like this before?

Any help would be apreshiated..

Inca sometimes gets spots and its usually when its been hot, like the few or so.

And sometimes if she's been in the long grass or nettles she gets a reaction.

Has your dog been been in any of them??
bean is suffering with puss :x filled spots on her belly, just between her legs think it must be the heat :unsure:
Aaawww poor bean, what have you tried to help her??

I use good old piriton and cool water on Inca and it helps with the itching.
hellybobs said:
Aaawww poor bean, what have you tried to help her??
I use good old piriton and cool water on Inca and it helps with the itching.

she doesnt seem to bothered theres about 5 or 6 of them.....i just pop them and rub with some germaline :thumbsup:
Its good your putting germaline on them but I alway worry that popping spots like that could cause infection, a bit like popping blister on humans.
He hasnt really been anywere but my garden recently. i noticed when i got him he had one or two but i didnt pay much attention but now he has lots, i did tell the vet this but he brushed it off saying it was nothing but im conserend.. I got him at 8 weeks and his 5 months now. I bathe him in a dematological dog shampoo but it has no affect and also the vet gave me a anticeptic wash for the hot spot he had and said i could wash it in that but it also apears to have no affect.

If your not happy with what your vet said take your dog back.

Is there more than 1 vet in that practice??

Its possible its an allergic reaction of some sort, grass and pollens are usually the culprits and piriton can sometimes help but its best to get your vets advice before giving it.
yeah i think i will take him back to the vet cos im not happy with them at all and if it is nothing like he said it shouldnt be hard to get rid of.. i hope. There are a few vets at the practice but you dont get to pick witch one you would like to see unfortunatly.