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Dog Wardens - Are they Doing Their Job Properly?


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does anybody feel the the dog wardens aint doing a good job? tell you the truth i aint seen one for ages, the amount of dog fouling thats happening infront of my eyes is shocking, then in a local press they say how bad it is, well why dont they stake the place out and fine people,? cus the law is there for them, easy pickings really instead of the easy motorist.
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I actually dont think I have seen a dog warden in the village I live in!!!

I have noticed lots of dog poo down my end of the village too - I nearly stepped in some yesterday!
so why are they not doing there job? its easy to nick them, its another law thats not being inforced
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I have a little village green by me with at least four dog bins. There is no excuse not to pick it up.

Yet I am still finding mess that's been left and in some cases only meters from the bin.

I have never seen a dog warden and I wouldn't even know what type of uniform they wear!
I reported a dog that was allowed to roam around our village. The dog warden spoke to the owner. Next time it was out I phoned the dog warden to be told that he couldn't talk to the owner again as "that would be harassment". We have dog fouling all over the place but as doesn't happen between 9 and 4, they can't catch those doing it. Worse than useless imo.
I think dog wardens have to cover such big areas it's almost impossible for them to do their job properly. No matter how many times it is publicised that people will be fined if their dog fouls or is off the lead out of control, a certain amount of people will ignore it.

The first 100yds of one of our walks is like a dogs lavatory, disgusting. There was a bin but it's vanished, the post is there but the bins gone!
as a former local govt employee, in the environment department, i can pretty much guarantee, that your local dog warden is sat in an office somewhere, all cosy, mumbling something about the enormous workload they have, the impossibility of catching anyone whilst wearing council uniform, and the difficult task of poo bin positioning; hours of work is a classic. I used to badger ours, and she definitely got numerous letters, they do nothing. One of the reasons i left. I imagine they are worried about the confrontational aspects.

I often wonder why i am the only b#gger walking around with a bag of poo, when i see people walking along with none and a herd of dogs. Dude does 3 or 4 (or 5) whippet eggs before i let him of his lead in the morning so i don't have to go legging it to some distant spot and hunting for it. (this doesn't work obviously, the little pest) I don't believe someone walking a whole pack of dogs would have no bag of poo on them. One 'lady' at my local park doesn't even get out of her car, just opens the door and lets her dogs run around on their own!!!

Even just a little campaign, to catch a few and stick their photos in the paper would do wonders i'm sure.

Also: if my dog does one in the vicinity of another i pick them both up, or if there is one in a ridiculously awful place, gross i know, but i've done worse, and if we all did it there would be less. Haha! Join me on my high, but stinky, moral ground!
haha - I completely agree with you.. last year someone let their dog poo RIGHT by my gate on teh public path that kids walk down to get to school - it was a MASSIVE poo, there is no way they couldnt have known, it was disgusting and I was so cross!
bertha dont agree its not inpossible at all, they just need to get off their arse and watch for them, agree with hanneroon if they sat indoors then they aint guna get it done, a little story from 5 yrs back i was walking my two dogs and they both started doing the jobies as my fone went i anwserd and with bags in hand a passing council van with a camera in the back stopped 20 yard from me, bet he thought i asnt gunna pick it up, i spoke to him saying you must catch hundreds of people, he said no,,, which shocked me,, thats what we need evidence and fines,they can do it,
oh by the way recently in our local paper it gave a number to ring for dog fouling so theres things in place but i just want people fined, the only time i dont clear up in in the fields and hedges when the dog are in the countryside
Dog warden are so rare I think I've only ever seen one in the movies! Not sure if that's funny or shocking...
I do see the dog warden van around, being a rural area with lots of dog walks it is impossible for one person tot monitor it all. It really annoys me when I see people walk on when their dog has poohed and I always shout, would you like a poo bag??????? Makes them pick up.
I walk numerous dogs and carry a rucksack with me for clearing up, filled with poo bags which I then empty when I find a dog bin. Often I manage to step in dog poo which has been left by other dog owners when I go to clear up after mine :rant: :rant: :rant:

Dog poo isnt the worst problem round here in the summer though- although that is horrible enough. When we are at our busiest weeks of the summer it isnt unusual to find HUMAN POO in the dunes where some of our most lovely visitors have felt the need to relieve themselves because they couldnt be bothered to walk 5 mins over the dunes to the toilets. People regularly let their kids poo in the dunes, and its common for nappies to be left there and on the beaches :x Last year when my children were surfing on a very busy Fistral beach I watched a holidaymaker walk off and leave her dogs mess right in front of me.. when I shouted after her she screamed at me to "F*** off and mind my own business"

I would LOVE to see more people prosecuted for not cleaning up, but without photographic evidence and the offenders address, it realistically isnt going to happen very often. Here the National Trust have volunteer dog wardens patrolling the beaches, but they can do nothing except to offer out dog bags. :(
I have never, ever seen a dog warden! I'm not sure I even realised they still existed!
whats the excuses that you have heard from them.? i came out of my local shop and was behind a old man with a black staffie, it dumped 3times without him clearing up, i coughed and gave him the eye, what did he say? its not my dog lol well i saw him again same place and his dog did it again, so i followed him right to his house and gave him the stare, didnt report him but hope he got the message.
whats the excuses that you have heard from them.? i came out of my local shop and was behind a old man with a black staffie, it dumped 3times without him clearing up, i coughed and gave him the eye, what did he say? its not my dog lol well i saw him again same place and his dog did it again, so i followed him right to his house and gave him the stare, didnt report him but hope he got the message.
You should have given him a poo bag and reported him as you followed him home! I would have!
oh by the way recently in our local paper it gave a number to ring for dog fouling so theres things in place but i just want people fined, the only time i dont clear up in in the fields and hedges when the dog are in the countryside
why not?

whats the excuses that you have heard from them.? i came out of my local shop and was behind a old man with a black staffie, it dumped 3times without him clearing up, i coughed and gave him the eye, what did he say? its not my dog lol well i saw him again same place and his dog did it again, so i followed him right to his house and gave him the stare, didnt report him but hope he got the message.
reason i didnt clear up in field, have you ever owned a lurcher? do you know the ground they cover? it cant be law in the fields, i clear up on footpaths and most places peeps walk, but in the middle of a country field cum on, if a fox can shit then so can ma dog, why didnt i report him well i shud off, but up ere in scotland people hate a grass, but he is being watched and ifi see it again ive got the new number to ring and report. hope thats anwsered your questions ttt
anybody else got a problem with me not picking up in countryside fields and hedges , ditches? just want to know thats all..
I don't have a problem with that - I do the same - in fact I can't even get to half the places she goes - and neither could anyone else! I agree - mine is a lurcher and she doesn't half cover some ground at speed, but if it's on or near a path or wherever anyone walks of course I clean it up