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Dog warden


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Would really appreciate some help. My son has two lurchers who are very boistrous. He went out one day last June and came home to find that a dog warden had gone around the back of their house and taken one as the next door neighbour had reported being in their garden. It seems that there was a gap at the back of the shed that it had found and they didnt know what to do with it so called the warden who took it away to the dog home and they had to pay £110 to get him back.

I know this is three months ago but he has now received a solicitors letter saying that the dog bit the warden and she is claiming compensation - via her union solicitor so it wont cost her a penny. She didn't go to hospital(stated on the letter) so how can she prove it was his dog that bit her and do they not wear gauntlets etc to avoid this? Has anybody had any experience of this? Thank you
Complicated situation by the sound of it. I would seek legal advice if you can afford it. Is the dog insured? If so you should have third party liability cover but not sure if it covers aggression. You usually have to state, when you take out insurance, that the dog has never bitten or shown aggression. That is not to say that any dog will not bite if the circumstances dictate that it has no other option.
Well this is a rare thing as a dog warden actually doing somethink apart from doing paperwork, fight as hard as you can but a dog in somebody's garden creates problems.