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Dog Tumour

Jon Thompson

New Member
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Hi folks,

We have had our cocker spaniel 15 1/2 years, he has had a good happy life. It has over the last few months started developing a tumour, which i have attached an image to this post.

It smells really badly and alot of fluids which are yellow come out of this tumour. We have to bathe it up to 5 times a day. It is not off his food, he is going to the toilet okay, he does not go for walks now. He mostly is just sleeping and eating food.

I kindly wondered if anyone knows what this tumour is, finally when do you think it might be reasonable to call it an end? As obviously i would not want the dog suffering, thank you for any advice you can give.




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Sorry to hear this . What does your vet think it is ?
Thank you for your message.

The vet calls it a tumour, but does not state what it is sadly.
Very sorry to hear.
When my beloved boy died last December - the last evening and the morning of his last day he really wanted to get away from everyone to a quite corner and lay there, and i think it was his way of telling us it was the end...
Just listen to yours, and you will know in your heart when it's time to let go.
Its a terrible time for any dog owner.
Im surprised your vet hasnt given you any clearer advice. I think you will know when the time has come and it is the greatest act of love we can offer , letting them go when its their time and not when it suits us..

good luck
I am so sorry, it really is such a tough decision.

There is a scale used to assess our pets' quality of life when they are seriously ill. I understand it was developed for cancer care but the principles apply to any life limiting condition. What is their quality of life in relation to Hurt, Hunger, Hydration, Hygiene, Happiness, Mobility and More good days than bad days. You can find more detail here

Pawspice and Animal Oncology Consultation Service - Veterinarian in Hermosa Beach, CA US :: Quality of Life Scale

There is a saying, better a week too soon than a day too late. It's a terrible decision but one that responsible owners have to face. If it helps, the Blue Cross has a pet bereavement counselling service.