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Dog Training Classes


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Hi, I am considering taking my youngster to training classes and possibly when he's a bit older do some agility work with him and was wondering if anyone had any hints or tips for me.

Dylan is a Whippet X Bedlington/Whippet, but I have a feeling that there must be a touch of Collie in there too. I have 3 other dogs and not one has shown the aptitude for learning that Dyl has. He makes me look good! :D

I was thinking of maybe a Good Citizens scheme to start him off and then specialising later if he (and I) enjoys it.

Does anyone know of any good classes around the West Mids/Staffs border area?

This is the lad in question:

(w00t) He is very cute!! :wub: Ive always taken any puppy Ive had to basic puppy training classes, I find them great fun and very useful, then, you can progress however far you want to. You have to have good basic obedience before you can do agility anyway :blink: and I think Im right in thinking a dog should be a certain age before attending classes for this, my local classes advise 18 months old or over. Sorry dont live in your area so maybe someone else can advise. :thumbsup: :luck:
Even if you don' t learn that much about obedience training at classes, I found them useful for getting the dog used to being sensible around other people and dogs, which is essential for agility.

i am from a lot further south im afraid so cant help re classes for you but having done a lot of agility and obedience training with my poodle x spaniel mollie i would like to say that the most vital part of training whether its obedience or agility (or doogie dancing which we did at competition level) is to use the best possible treats to reward your dog - i made my own liver cake which is so easy to make and freeze and i would say that most dogs will do anything for some.

there are recipes on the internet and its also good for them!

i used clicker training and mollie surprised me beyone all my expectations - shes on my website if you want to have a look!

best of everything

Thanks to all so far for the lovely responses. Dylan is a great little lad and very well behaved for his age (nearly 6 mnths old). He comes to work with me nearly every day (I am a Dog Warden), so he interacts with lots of people and other dogs regularly. I've done some training with him on my own, but feel he is definitely ready for stepping up a level and sharpening both his and my skills.
Have you had a look on here APDT, you can search within your area :thumbsup: