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Dog trackers


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I saw a post on FaceBook last night about a dog gone missing in a place I often walk, so I went there with Jasper this morning on the off-chance... I just checked on FB again and she was found dead :(

Is there a reason why we don't, as a matter of course, put trackers on our dogs? Is there a technological limit such as battery size/life, privacy of data, or whatever? Because if it was possible to track your dog when they've gone AWOL, it could avoid a lot of heartache for the owner and suffering for the dog.
Oh that is heartbreaking Judy, feel so sad for the owner :( phones can be tracked so can’t see why something can’t be fitted to a collar or harness. Would be great for dogs that tend to wander off . I’m so thankful I’ve never had a dog that has got lost or gone missing , must be the most awful thing to cope with :(
I just had a google too - you're right, there's plenty of options, which makes me wonder why they haven't caught on more. I'm wondering if it would be worth getting one for Jasper but his stamina's pretty rubbish so if he took off after something he'd probably still be well within earshot once he collapsed with exhaustion.
I don't know how the cheaper end trackers will cope time wise or how much 'coverage' they give. The ones that used for hunting does have quite a lot of battery life but they are not particularly small neither.
I'm just thinking some of the hounds that running around forest freely where we are normally going for walks...and yes, I'm wondering now too why they are not in use more often??
End of the day...if people have expensive dogs and if the dogs are dear to them...why wouldn't they want to secure that they would find them if they take off after the prey or something?? I too have to do some googling now..
I don't know how the cheaper end trackers will cope time wise or how much 'coverage' they give. The ones that used for hunting does have quite a lot of battery life but they are not particularly small neither.
I'm just thinking some of the hounds that running around forest freely where we are normally going for walks...and yes, I'm wondering now too why they are not in use more often??
End of the day...if people have expensive dogs and if the dogs are dear to them...why wouldn't they want to secure that they would find them if they take off after the prey or something?? I too have to do some googling now..
I've just been looking some of the average price trackers (£40-60) and read some reviews. There indeed seem to be issues with them...with some trackers you are still required to get subscription for the services after buying the equipment..some of them battery life is not great, just few hours at maximum, people have been complaining about the coverage and the real life locator update after certain period of time, which can be as long as minute...well, dogs can be far a way from the location in that time! Also some models are not found to be that accurate neither. So to me sounds like what I was suspecting that unless you are willing to invest bit more money for more 'serious' equipment, their performance leaves room for improvement. If I were to get one, it would take aaaages for me to go through pros and cons of each just makes one say 'oh bother' and give up. :rolleyes:
Personally, I rather make sure my dog is safe where I know they are, rather than risk it and than let them loose and not knowing what they get up to. Sadly tracker does not make them any safer nor making me feel relaxed and enjoy our walks. Even if the nearest road would be few miles away where we are walking...that's nothing for dogs and they get there in no time. Maybe the reasons I would not get a tracker, even it first does sound like brilliant idea, is why others don't neither??
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Guess if you’re willing to spend a fortune there might be something that works! Wouldn’t help with dogs that are stolen as the b*****ds would just remove it from the collar or harness :mad:
We have used them on young lurchers for a number of years now. I would recommend them to anyone. Ours are home made by a friend. They helped us to find 4 dogs with no problems.
There are plenty who use them on lurcher link,I know there's one that loads recommend on there and for the life in me I can't remember the name.
It's so hard to judge from reviews, isn't it? Customers who have hit problems with the trackers are probabl far more likely to leave a review than satisfied customers. And then you can get both fake positive and fake negative. Arguably it's better to have something that works 80% of the time than nothing at all.
I looked at them when T was a pup but the issues already mentioned (battery life, coverage, water resistance, subscription costs) put me off a bit. As it turns out he is a bit of a velcro dog so I think we are ok. It is tragic to hear about losses so for any future dogs, it would definitely be something I would consider.