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Dog Show In Heaven


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Dog Show in Heaven

One day in Heaven St Peter, St Paul and St John were standing around near the dog kennels watching the dogs laying around "I am certainly bored" stated John. "Me too" Paul chimed in. Peter stood and watched the dogs, "I know", Peter began, "Why don't we have a dog show?"

Paul and John thought that the idea was great except for one small detail that Paul pointed out "Who are we going to compete against Peter?" Paul asked.

The trio pondered a moment when Peter realised the answer. "We will call up Satan and invite him to the dog show. I mean we have all the finest dogs here in Heaven; all of the world and national champions are here. His kennels are filled with the spoiled, difficult and mean dogs. We are certain to win the show".

And so the trio calls up Satan on the other realm communication lines and invited him to their dog show Satan laughed and asked them why they would want to be humilited like that, because he would certainly beat them.

Peter, Paul and John did not understand "What do you mean Satan" "We have the world champions in our kennel , how could you possibly beat us, they asked?"

Satan paused a moment then laughed, "Ah, but you have forgotten gentlemen - I have all the judges!" :oops:
:lol: :lol: :lol: excellent

I notice you weren't brave enough to put this in Showing section :lol: :lol:
meddling said:
:lol:   :lol:   :lol: excellent
I notice you weren't brave enough to put this in Showing section :lol:   :lol:

And I wasn't brave enough to email it to any friends who are judges either 8)
(w00t) :- " :- " :lol: :wacko: :thumbsup: