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Dog Pressies For Xmas


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I have got to make a new xmas stocking for indy so thats 8 to hang up and fill this years so give me some ideas as to what to get them all. what are you lot getting your dogs think I might have to set them a bugget this year aswell other wise its going to get very very expencive thios year with so many dont know were we are going to hange 8 dog stockings 3 kids and tonys (w00t)
Go to Wilko's!!!

Loads of fab toys and treats for them at reasonable prices. :D

I checked out Pet's at home on Monday who've just got in their xmas lines of squeeky fluffy snowflakes and santa's etc and I'm off to visit my mum in a bit as she's arranged for them to have individual dog collars made as their christmas present from her.

I love my Mum! :wub: So do the dogs!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Toys, Toys and more Toys (w00t) They can never have too many. Plus being a girlie she will appreciate one of those big bars of doggy chocolates.

MIne have got collars, tassels, chocs and toys, not even thought about what the kids are having yet. I wonder if i've got my prioritites wrong :- "
No Locloe dont think your priorities are wrong the dogs are gonna love whatever you get them kids on the other hand. (w00t)