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Dog Neglects Owners!!!


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Diva doesn't want to cuddle up with us on our old lumpy sofa now she has her posh new crate!!!

We bought her a gorgeous soft duvet bed today to make her crate as cosy and inviting as possible but THIS is how she repays us - she walked in as soon as Neil arranged the bed inside an hour ago and she hasn't come out since!!! :lol:

Foxglove said:
Diva doesn't want to cuddle up with us on our old lumpy sofa now she has her posh new crate!!! 
We bought her a gorgeous soft duvet bed today to make her crate as cosy and inviting as possible but THIS is how she repays us - she walked in as soon as Neil arranged the bed inside an hour ago and she hasn't come out since!!!  :lol:    


Awwwww, bless her :wub: :wub: :wub:

She has obviously been used to a crate in the past :thumbsup:
She does look very much at home ..... :cheers: :huggles:
Aw long as she's happy :wub: :wub:
Aww she looks very cosy in her crate :huggles:
(w00t) Cant say as I blame her - it looks very comfy. :D Does Diva take in lodgers? I could do with a good nights sleep -_-
Snug as a bug :wub:
It's great that she likes her new pressie :huggles:
awwwwwwww doesnt she look gorgeous.

all of mine love their crates and would much prefer to sleep in there. bless em
diva looks really comfy gill, is she any better no when you go to work? or is she still singing her head off.
whippet wonder said:
diva looks really comfy gill, is she any better no when you go to work? or is she still singing her head off.
With the shifts Neil and I do (me earlies in a newsagent and him on nightshift) she rarely gets left in an empty flat but we still want to teach her that it's ok to be on her own occasionally as we still want to be able to go to the cinema or shopping now and then :lol:

Neil has a small voice-activated tape recorder and he decided to see what she was like on Wednesday. He left the house and went around to the shops for ten minutes and when he came back there was the evidence - Diva howling away in pure misery on tape :- "

That's why, on a few folks' advice, I told Neil to get Tina's old crate out of the loft and we bought the lovely squidgy bed to go in it to make it as appealing and cosy as possible. Neil said it worked because she didn't once come onto the settee with him last night when he was watching a dvd :- "

I think we WILL eventually get her used to being on her own but for now we are just getting her used to the crate and are going to build her up bit by bit :D

Hopefully by summer 2009 I can start looking for a part-time job anyway so we won't have the worry of her being left for too long :b I hate Neil doing nightshift as we rarely see each other so it would be great if he worked daytime hours and I was part-time.....but we'll see how things go :wacko:
She does look cosy in there. :luck: with her, she will settle eventually. I think the cage is a great idea, have you tried a drop of rescue remedy in her water before you leave her? Or a DAP collar?
A few folks have mentioned getting a DAP for her so I might just try might calm my stresshead hubby down too :lol:

She's really taken to her crate though - whereas before she'd crash out on the sofa, she now takes herself off to her own bed without us even telling her :eek: She's there now as I type!!! :- "

Earlier on Neil was begging her to come out of her crate and sit next to him on the sofa and she just groaned and settled herself down even more as though to say ''Go away Dad....I'm all comfortable in here and don't want to move'' :lol:

She MUST have used a crate in the past - the speed and calmness with which she has adopted it as her bed is amazing! :wub:
What bedding did you use in the crate as my whippet chews her

bedding and everybody's else bed :oops:
The big bed on the bottom is a Danish Design bed and the top one is just a sort of quilt bed which I picked up in my local pet shop :) Diva loves to be UNDER something and this past couple of days she's taken to scratching around and burrowing herself underneath the lighter quilt :lol:

She's about four years old and we are very lucky in that she's not destructive at all :D Her only 'problem' is her hating to be left on her own and howling......oh, and her obsession with rabbiting :- "