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Dog gagging all night


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Hi im new to dog forum. I have two beautiful male Border Collies who are 7 years old.. Last night Max started gaging and was only sick once, a white frothy liquid. I was wondering if it could be to do with the fact that when my husband takes them out he takes them on a double lead and Max pulls very hard as he is excited. I take them out on separate leads and he did not gag the whole time we were out. Could he have hurt his throat or does anyone think it could be something ealse? The gagging carried on through the night when he was awake but he does not appear ill in any other way no runny nose etc. Any help would be appreciated Regards Heather.
Theres always a chance they can damage their throat and yeah at times one of mine gags a bit when he pulls against the lead and fine after, urrrm white froth shouldnt be bad as the red stuff im always worried about but to say im no vet..