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Dog eats Cooked Chicken Bones


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We went to a show today & took food with us, when we got home I was emptying all the bags & things & Hebe, bloody thief that she is, whipped the tin foil wrapping off the worktop. I didn't realise until it was too late but there were cooked chicken leg bones in there (w00t)

This was a few hours ago & I know she will probably be o.k. but I'm sat here watching her like a hawk, just waiting for them to perforate her insides :blink: (w00t)

Considering some of the stuff she's eaten, stolen, scrounged over the years I'm sure her stomach is lined with lead but I'm still worried.

Has anyone any advice, is there anything I should look out for or anything I could give her to help them pass through easier.

All this fretting has made me want a glass of wine but I don't know if I dare incase I need to drive her off to the vets at some point.

She is fast asleep & totally oblivious to my worry :rant:
Feed bread to help them through .....As you said she'll probably be fine :D ......We have a dog that has just started boarding with us and her owner feeds her cooked lamb, chicken, beef and pork bones daily :eek: ......When we told him this was very dangerous the owner replied well shes 8 years old now and has managed to live this long with my cooking :b :- "
Thanks, she also swiped the remains of the sandwiches so the bread will probably help. She is such a thief, you have to have eyes in the back side & top of your head. I've never known a dog so food obsessed

One of my dogs did that once - I'd just returned from Morrisons with a cooked chicken, and left it on the worktop (out of her reach I thought) :- "

I went upstairs to get changed, and was really looking forward to some lovely barbequed chicken for my dinner. When I came back down, all that was left was the bag - no chicken, no bones or anything left. I was sure with a whole chicken and bones inside her, she would need the vet during the night. She slept peacefully (I didn't!!). She was right as rain in the morning. Later that day when I returned from work, she had been sick - the only thing she sicked up was the string from around the feet!! No trouble at all otherwise.

I'm sure Hebe will be OK too. Good luck :luck:
Hope she's okay ... when my last wippie swallowed a cocktail stick (don't ask) the vet advised gving her bread, then when that didn't seem to help, cotton wool - smeared with marmite and cream cheese managed to get a little down her. But do keep a close on her - mine semed fine for a few days, while IO kept an eagle eye on poos etc, then one morning she was off her food (unusual) and threw up several times - had to rush her to the vets for an emergency op, the stick had perforated her stomach and was actually lying in the abdominal cavity and she was very, very poorly for a while - the vet reckoned he caught it just in time. So although things will probably be fine, do kep an eye, just in case!
first of all JT dont panic. keep an eye on his poo and if it becomes black and sticky or he dont have a poo for a few days then consult ur vets, also if he starts to be sick then u need to speak to them but in most cases they manage to pass them ok. i think most of us have been in the same boat as you at some point love, i think our babies just like to scare the living daylights out of us (w00t)
Thanks for all your advice, Hebe seems fine today, although her poo was a bit sparkly this morning, that'll be the tin foil :lol:

I'll keep monitoring her rear end :x but I'm sure she'll be fine. She really does have a cast iron stomach, nothing much upsets her.

She's getting a bit fed up with me keep checking her gums to see if they are pale, she obviously can't see what all the fuss is about :b

Julie & the canine dustbin.
so glad she is ok :thumbsup:

im sure she will continue to be fine , they do things like this just to keep us on our toes (w00t)
J.T. said:
Thanks for all your advice, Hebe seems fine today, although her poo was a bit sparkly this morning, that'll be the tin foil :lol: I'll keep monitoring her rear end  :x   but I'm sure she'll be fine. She really does have a cast iron stomach, nothing much upsets her.

She's getting a bit fed up with me keep checking her gums to see if they are pale, she obviously can't see what all the fuss is about :b

Julie & the canine dustbin.

I'll keep monitering her rear end :lol: isnt life exciting, glad shes ok

I would not worry too much. Yes, cooked bones are harder and sharper, and they CAN cause problems, but most likely is they just get diggested. Especially chicken bones, they are really quite soft as the chickens we are eating are only about 8 weeks old. I buy chicken drumsticks in bulk, feed them raw to the dogs and make some soup for myself, i noticed how soft and crumbly the cooked bones are as I pull them out of my soup (and put directly into the garbage bin outside in the driveway where the dogs do not have access :) ).

I am sure Hebe will be just fine :thumbsup: :luck:
J.T. said:
Thanks, she also swiped the remains of the sandwiches so the bread will probably help.
Now there is one cleaver thief. Steals the cooked bones AND the bread to help them go through. Clever dog. :thumbsup: