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Dog Discussion Boards

Hiya, have a forum too - lots of different types of dogs on there. It's a rescue board so very pro rescue, neutering etc.
Rae said:
Hiya, have a forum too - lots of different types of dogs on there.  It's a rescue board so very pro rescue, neutering etc.

Ahh thanks rae..... my dog isnt a rescue (they wouldnt let us have one :( ) so i dont know how i would fit in?

I just want a board for doggy chitchat....

There's one on Champdogs, all sorts of topics covered on there :thumbsup:
There's LurcherLink too & Greyhound Gap but you may end up with a hound or 2 as they are rescue sites as well. Dogpages is more general and won't object if you adopt one either as long as you don't let it catch a rabbit!

They all have chat sections....
Thanks all, i will check these all out. I dont want one specialising in one breed i.e. whippet because i dont have one!
I really like The Refuge

Also basically a rescue forum, but there are people with all sorts of dogs on there and it is a very friendly (and funny) board.