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Dog Crate/Cage


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what size dog crate do you folk recommend for a single whippet for shows/car and for two whippets in a car?

Also, what are your opinions about galvanised trays versus plastic trays? I have seen some good looking ones on e bay!

I use a Argos one for 2 whippets , not for long disatnce though
I've had 2 from Croft Enginerring & they've been the best i've seen, very sturdy, i've seen a lot that are pretty flimsy. Best bet is if you can get somone to make you some that fit in your car, a chap from our club has had some made to fit his van (4 cages in one) £20 materials & £20 labour.
Depends what your car is, I can get cages up in the Astra hatchback and still have room for others things whereas my husband's Audi A4 estate is useless for putting up a cage in, there is not enough headroom.

For travelling I will use a Croft 21" x 3!", which will also fit on a show bench. You can get two Whippets in that. If I am going to an Open show I usually take my 24" x 36" cage because it is that bit more roomy and can take 3/4 Whippets. I don't very often travel them in a cage but there is always the odd occasion when it is useful for separating dogs & bitches or something like that. I do also have a barjo cage that is made to fit in the hatchback bit (behind the back seat) and that is as roomy as the 24 x 36 cage. I generally use that when I go lure coursing.

it's so true, some cars seem deceptively spacious but no room in boot for a cage. I can only get 20 inch height in the boot, which is no good if he wants to stand up! I can get a bigger cage in if I drop the back seat BUT I can't get the kids in then!!!!!!I am thinking about getting a bigger cage for the showbench (can peeps let me know the benching sizes, so I know what size I can get???) ....and using a car dog-harness for the car, to keep him safe.

I have a peugeot 307, but cant really get a fitted cage as it's a lease car I have to hand back every 12 months. Do people think a good car harness is ok?

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Hi Jackie we use a car harness on our Whippet and would def recommend. Size medium and its made by Classic if thats any help :)
Thanks for suggstion of car harness. We have a rather psh one now WITH reflective strips (or is it go-faster stripes?)

Thanks for advice :eek: )

Re the base trays, I find that plastic ones get eaten, especially if you go racing or lure coursing, so would definitely recommend metal ones.