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Dog constantly licking his butt.


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Hi all I have a 12 year old Yorkshire terrier, and for the past week he has constantly been licking his butt.

After searching on Google it sounded like either worms or a full anal glands .

I wormed him 5 days ago and today took him to the vets where they emptied his anal glands and they were full.

5 hours after getting them emptied he is still licking his butt, there is no sore or lump i can see and the vet didn't see anything untoward.

Could it just take a few days for the licking to stop after they emptied his gland?

Thanks all

mine had that. did u get tablets also? that to make sure no infection. give it another 24 hours and if still doing it c ur vet. you not it could come back? i got the vet to show me how which saves you 40 pound a time. until i found a food that gave him very formed poops i was emptying every week but hes been ok for a few years now.

you no it can come back?

No we never got any tablets, yes I am aware that his glands can fill up again... Just hoping he stops licking very soon.

Thanks for your reply.
Hello and welcome to Dog Forum :) I am Anna :)

I would whip him to the vet :)
you and your whip banana, hope you dont whip me (w00t)
your fella is a lucky so and so, bet hes always smiling :thumbsup:
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Thanks will monitor him for a few days, I think he has just got used to licking that area.
What did you worm him with? Sad but true is that the majority of wormers you can buy from pet shops do absolutely nothing to remove worms from your dog resulting in people thinking they are doing the right thing for their dogs wasting money.

He may just be licking the area as it can be painful to have very full anal glands emptied, or he may (I know this is rank) just be cleaning the area as they do have an oily stinky consistency that he may be trying to clean. I'd keep an eye for a couple of days and if no change take him back to the vets and get a quick check.

Hope he feels better soon.