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Dog being sick!,


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I have a Tibetian Spaniel called Fifi, who's 18months old. She is just finishing her first season. Sometimes she is sick in the morning, yellow stuff, I read that small dogs need food every 12 hours, so we try to give her food often.

Yesterday I woke up and she had been sick every where, all yellow bile, loads of it.

Later that day she went for a walk and ate all her dinner she was completely normal.

This morning she has been sick again, but this time it's all her food. And is very quiet and hasn't got up. So unsure if that's Hunger related?? It's really unfortunate as I live at home and my dad is retired so there is always someone here, but they are on holiday and I have to go to work, I am just worried its related to her season or worse. I currently have another dog at the vets to day with Pyo being spade so I am ever so worried about her as it is, and just want Fifi to be ok,

Has anyone got any thoughts on this please?

Take the dog to the vet, she obviously needs to be checked over . Hope she is ok
Thanks. I have booked her an appointment, she already seems to have perked up! Its like she has morning sickness. Ha. Hopfully its nothing to serious.
Smaller dogs do indeed sometimes do better on two smaller meals rather than one larger one in the evening.

I have heard of people who have this problem of bile in the morning giving a couple of dog biscuits last thing at night to " give the gut something to work on overnight".
Yes, I have read about that and we have given her a little kong with loose food in (she isn't a fan of wet food in it) so that normal keeps the sick at bay, just not normally sick this much and never brings her food back up - but most of the day she is fine and happy - so just slightly worrying - but she is going to the vets soon, so hopefully they can shed some light on the situation

Also my other dog has had her op and doing well :) just wanted to share that!

thanks guys!
Glad your other dog is recovering from the Pyo. Very worrying for you.

Spaying will prevent a pyo so might be worth considering with your younger dog? They cannot be spayed near their season so 3 months after season is best.
Hi, yes we were waiting for her to come into season first, but she had first season at 18months! Collected Lola today the one who has just been spayed. She is fine now, bad we spoke to the vets about getting Fifi spayed, he said to do it soon. So will be booking that in! Thanks for your comments and help! Mum. And dad are back now.. I can relax a bit ha
Glad she's on the mend. We had a whippet x some years ago that did this if stressed - any change in his routine could bring it on. Wondering if your parents' absence and her companion at the vet has wound her up? Dogs worry about stuff we don't know about!
All good advice here. We stopped the regular vacs when a mature whippet x of ours reacted really badly to a booster at 9 years and nearly died. Vaccinate as puppies, then test before boosters.