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Dog Bedding


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Hi Guys,

I popped down to Lidl today and bought a kids quilt for Willow. It's 100cm x 135cm, I double it over to make a nice comfy bed for her. It also fits easily in the washing machine for a clean.

I bought my first one a year and a half ago for visiting Gude Dogs, and it's still going strong. At only £7.99 it's easy on the wallet as well. I thought I'd mention it on here as an idea for spare beds when the proper one is in the wash or indeed good bedding for rescue centres to use (or indeed to donate them some for bedding).

Kids Quilt at Lidl

I got the navy one today, there are a few different designs. :thumbsup:

(No, I dont' work for Lidl!! :b )
That's really good value :)

I use folded duvets for my bigger dogs, ASDA do a single duvet for about £7.99. Washing the covers is easy but one of my oldies is sometimes incontinent at night and washing the whole duvet is a pain, so I might just have to pop down to Lidl for a look at these.

Slightly OT, but I'm horrified by how much 'proper' dog beds cost. Our pet shop are charging £30 for a bed which is basically half a duvet. I stupidly paid a fortune for beanbag beds once, spare covers cost another £15 on top and it took my lot about a week to stick their claws through them. I was cleaning up polystyrene 'beans' for months.
I use single duvets for my dogs beds too and just double them over - they make a lovely comfy and warm bed. I get single covers from the charity shops for about £2 or from car boots for about £1 each !! Got some 101 dalmation covers and tweenies last time - looked brand new and they cost me £1 each! The dogs love them!!
i use quilts too,but could always do with more now the winter is coming,muddy feet means muddy beds. :lol:
Haha, that's exactly why I bought this one. Always good to have a few spared to use whilst the others are in the machine or drying. Willow is buried between the layers as I type with her bone; her old one hanging up to dry from a long needed wash in the machine, lol.