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Does It Alway's Come In Three's


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Came home on tuesday night from my camera club,with the great new's that one of my pix,that i took ,came 4th over all,out of 103 pix entered in a competition,that our club contributed to.To find my good Mrs,sitting in a chair looking the worst for ware,with a big wallup of kitchen roll wrapped around her hand.Seem's she was going out the back to put the electric thingy number's in the meter,and the back door closed on her hand,nicely removing the tip of her index finger,on her right hand,and leaving a tiny wee bit of skin holding it where it hung.Got her to casualty,20 mile's away,where they proceded to put it back together.We arrived home at 4 am next morning.The rest of the day went as good as it could have been expected to,and we were able to get a bit of Christmas shopping done.When we arrived home at about 7.30 am,we proceded to empty the car of the shopping,when we heard what sounded like a sqeal from outside.We both ran to the front door to see what had happened,and Alannah was stood beside the car shouting for help and doing some sort of a new dance,that we had'nt seen before.Obviously,something just was'nt right here,so i flew across the garden to find that the poor soul's thumb,was still inside the car,whilst the rest of her hand was outside.I had to open the car door,knowing that the second i did,the full force of what had happened,was going to hit her with a mighty painfull sting,for want of a better word.I knew it was'nt good,and ive never in my life,heard a child cry so sorely.The thumb was flat at 1st,and before we got it wrapped in a bag of frozen pea's,it was beginning to turn blue,and get bigger,and bigger.With Alannah being Diabetic,we had to be careful with her blood sugar's too,as they were dropping big time .It was back to the hopital,where our fear's were right,and she had badly broken her wee thumb.As i was putting up all the light's around the house today,all i could think off,was,what's next,as there has to be summit else to make the 3.The wind was blowing an absolute gail,while i was at the top of the ladder,putting light's under the soffit's,all the way along the roof,and boy was i crapping them,thinking i was gona go.Thankfully i did'nt,so we're still waiting on number 3,and poor alannah and her mum are still suffering.Time will tell. ...Billy...
Awww, the poor little mite :( That's heartbreaking to hear about. And your wife too! Please wish them both well from me :thumbsup:

Don't you worry about superstitions - bet you if you think back a wee while you'll maybe find the third thing happened first!! :luck: :luck: :luck:
oh dear, you have had a bad time,

:huggles: :huggles: to you all,xx
:eek: Oh how awful for them both Billy. Pass on lots of :huggles: :huggles: to them both, but well done to you on your placing in the competition. Your pictures are great to see - I always look forward to seeing them on here :thumbsup:

:luck: :luck:

sorry for all your wow I hope things get better
Oh, how dreadful for your wife and little girl :eek: - poor things must be so sore. :( Hope they start to improve really soon :huggles: :luck:
What a terrible thing to happen to both of them.. :( Im so sorry and hope they feel a bit better for Christmas... :huggles:
Billy, sorry to hear about your wife & Alannah :( hope they're not in to much pain & hopefully not to much damage has been done :thumbsup: :luck:

Well done for coming 4th out of 103 pics :thumbsup:

Deirdre :))
oh poor you and your family hope there feeling better soon :huggles:

when i was a 7 year old i got 2 fingers trapped in a car boot :eek: :( very painful but they was ok after a while,the hospital hurt me more than the car boot did :eek: :sweating:
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in 3s and always to poor you... :( never anyone else :blink:



never mind theres probably another dilemma for you tomorrow too. im sure well hear.

take care :huggles:
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poor alannah and your wife!!!!!!!!! give then my regards, thinking of you all :huggles:
Anymore nasty things happened yet?Hope you are all feeling better.Lady P :luck: :luck: you need it.Lady P
Poor things that is sooooo painful, I shut my thumb in the car door when I was 12. OUCH. I have (hopefully <G>) (w00t) had my three things this week, sewing machine, dishwasher and microwave all went wrong!! Heloooooo Santa??? :lol: Hope you wife and daughter feel better soon.