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Does Anyone Have Any Other Pets?


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I have 6 cats - well 4 really but I have 2 kittens that my girl had and I cant seem to let them go :lol:

We used to have 2 herman tortoises as well - well I say we I mean my son did, but now he boards 4 nights a week, I found them a new home where they were looked after properly on a daily basis rather than be something we just look at and feed...

Warren has 2 fish in his room which have lasted 2 years now - I didn't know they lasted that long - I think they are shebunkens (sp?) - We bought them from PAH so I really thought they would only last a year!

Here are the pussers sun bathing on a winters day!

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I love that photo!!!!

My only pets at the moment are my 2 cats :)

I look after my sisters dog quite often though - im know as his auntie Jen who always brings him new toys and treats!!
I have a collection of pets, this is due to my girlfriend nagging for a dog and instead came up with the idea of having these first to see how we got on. We still ended up getting the dog! lol

I have two budgies a green and yellow, and blue and white, Podgy and Bertie (both Male).

We also have three guinea pigs, our neutered boar Oscar, and sisters Mocha and Caramac. Oscar was from the RSPCA and the girls from a private rescue in Cannock.
I have a little cat that the whippets found when she was about 4 weeks old. Someone had thrown her & her 2 litter mates away in a sealed cardboard box :(

By the time the whippets found the box & alerted me that there was something in there, the other 2 babies were sadly already dead. I rushed this little one to the vet & it was touch & go for a while but she pulled through & i said i would foster her until she was old enough & strong enough to go to a new home......that was 2 years ago :lol:
Oh wow - thats such a sad but lovely story...

Can we see a picture of her?
Awwwww! Her poor litter mates!!! Well done to your doggies for finding her!
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Marine fish - I have 8 at the moment as well as 4 assorted shrimps!
Here is a photo of her, taken recently

I used to have tropical fish but never marine - I was terrified as it looked so hard to keep them.. are they?

Awww, she is lovely!! :- ) Whats her name?
I've got 4 cats. Until very recently if you came to mine you could find up to 20 cats, including a mummy and litter in the attic and a litter downstairs being reared by the dog, but I've had to give up taking in fosters for health reasons so there's just the 5 beasties :(
I read that you had to check salt levels continually?

The two times I considered it, the first I was 18 and still going out partying and the second I had 2 young children so I opted out..

What fish do you have in yours?
Her name is Candy. I have to confess i'm not really a cat person, whilst i would never hurt one & i wouldn't want another one. I'd always take one in if it needed help bUT i would not go out of my way to get one, i find them strange creatures.
I read that you had to check salt levels continually?

The two times I considered it, the first I was 18 and still going out partying and the second I had 2 young children so I opted out..

What fish do you have in yours?
Yes - you do, and lots of other checks too! Plus you need quite a lot of equipment, such as a good sumped tank, a protein skimmer, live sand, live rock (for filtration) etc.

I have a Bangaii Cardinal, a Bi-coloured Angel, a Bi coloured Blenny, an Orchid Dottyback, a Blue Assessor, a Labouti Wrasse, a Firefish and a Watchman Goby. Also one Peppermint, 1 Cleaner and 2 Fire Blood shrimps and some snails and hermit crabs. A few corals. It is a very peaceful tank - no aggression at all.

You need someone to look after it if you are away from home too - so much can go wrong. having said that it is very rewarding and it's lovely just to sit and watch.
I just love fish tanks.... as you say, so peaceful!

Nina - when you say 'strange' what do you mean? :lol:
My Nan used to have a big tank with all sorts of wonderful fishes - it was so beautiful! She also had this sucky fish that cleaned the tank?
As well as my dogs I have 2 cats .

Theo, a tabby from a rescue when he was about 2 years old .We have had him for about ten years now .

Nancy , black and white oldie we got from a rescue a year ago .
When i say "strange" i mean they are kind of like having a pet but without having one if you know what i mean???

They are so independant they dont seem to need to rely on you for anything. Also perhaps its just my one but she shows no real affection, when i try to stroke her or make a fuss of her if she is in a good mood she will tolerate it.....JUST, but normal time she will stand it for a second then will sink her teeth into my hand as hard as she possibly can & hang on till i shreik & then she just stalks off!

Perhaps she is just a bit of a psycho (w00t)
Hula - can we see a pic of your cats?

I agree - cats are much more on their own terms rather than dogs who love unconditionally....