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Do i need to go to the vet?


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Puppy's abdomen hurts if i pick her up this morning. i usually pick her up and she's fine, but today she yelped a little - not a scream, but a small yelp.
She seems a bit lethargic too.
I was thinking i'll wait until lunchtime and see how she is then make an appointment if no change.
I wondered if it is signs of heat? she's approx 5 months.
Thank you
My main concern would be that she's eaten something she shouldn't and it's stuck in her innards. Could you feel her tummy gently and see if it's uncomfortable?
Has she been to the toilet? How was her poo?

I always think that's a good indicator of health and while a 5 month old is still a youngster I wouldn't panic quite as much as i would for a very young puppy.
If she is in pain, if you are worried a vet would be the best bet. Yes it could be nothing but it could be the start of something nasty and well intended advice via internet is no substitutie for expert hands on treatment.
thanks all. by lunch time she seemed completely fine, and she still does so we haven't been to the vet today.
i'm a bit concerned still that she does seem sensitive around her abdomen.

Her poo is normal.

i don't particularly want to head to the vet so easily, plus the costs quickly escalate, but i think i will make an appointment tomorrow for peace of mind.

Note for future ref:
Estrus does not HURT. // unlike preadolescent girls, who may have their 1st menses as young as 9-YO nowadays (due to exposure to various synthetic estrogens such as RBGH in dairy, hormonal esters in food film, etc),
young bitches do not suffer with cramps, bloating, backache, wt gain, etc.

Girls & women get cramps, etc; F dogs do not. :) Lucky dogs!

I would def see the vet tomorrow as early as they open, I wouldn’t ask for an appt, but I would walk in & ask for one urgently. PAIN in the abdomen can be life-threatening, & cannot be ignored.
Ingesting something inedible that gets stuck is one possible cause, an intusseception is another, bloat / GDV is a potentially lethal condition that happens FAST & may not show as a huge expanding belly but just flips & twists, causing severe pain.

- terry

Hi All,
We went to the vets yesterday. I called and they were keen that we went in asap.
The vet examined her and couldn't feel any blockages.
the vet decided not to xray as she was happy with the examination and how she was doing. plus she said for an xray our puppy would have to be sedated - she's full of beans so would no way sit still for an xray! :)
Then when we got home puppy was sick. Great timing i thought as we'd just told the vet she hadn't been sick!
So, hopefully all is ok but we're keeping a close eye still.
Hopefully she'll be fine now, and it's just a minor upset tum.
Whenever that thought "should I go to the vet?" enters your mind then it is best to ring them and ask their advice :) Most vets are really busy and do not want worried people clogging up the waiting room so they will give advice over the phone. It is best to build a relationship with one vet if you can so that they know you and understand your level of knowledge and also know your dog.