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The last 3 days I have been sat here and I must say how disgusted I am that people, when asking for help or any other kind of question get ripped apart by members of this supposedly helpful site. I wqs under the impression that this site was set up in the first place to bring ideas together in order to help each other, not to make life difficult for those that need genuine assistance.

Well im fairly new and i must say i have seen some funny post's :(


Its such a shame, as there is a lot of people, with a lot of knowledge

that the likes of me can benefit from.

But apart from saying how beautiful the pictures are i dont always

like to ask/voice my opinion on much. As there seems to be so many

private arguments/vendettas going on you dont know what sort of reaction to

expect from an innocent question.
wats happened? dont often get the time to read all posts these days so a bit behind
Well to me it looks like a bunch of bitter jealous women who should know better

at their age, coming onto a forum and hiding behind their keyboards to bully

someone who isnt in their gang :- "


I might be wrong...........................but i doubt it. Jealousy is a funny thing
AnnSa said:
Well to me it looks like a bunch of bitter jealous women who should know betterat their age, coming onto a forum and hiding behind their keyboards to bully

someone who isnt in their gang :- "


I might be wrong...........................but i doubt it. Jealousy is a funny thing

Oh i forgot they like to heavily use the quote button :- "
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AnnSa said:
Well to me it looks like a bunch of bitter jealous women who should know betterat their age, coming onto a forum and hiding behind their keyboards to bully

someone who isnt in their gang :- "


I might be wrong...........................but i doubt it. Jealousy is a funny thing

No from what I've read I'd say you're pretty spot on Ann :thumbsup:
*Lesley* said:
AnnSa said:
Well to me it looks like a bunch of bitter jealous women who should know betterat their age, coming onto a forum and hiding behind their keyboards to bully

someone who isnt in their gang :- "


I might be wrong...........................but i doubt it. Jealousy is a funny thing

No from what I've read I'd say you're pretty spot on Ann :thumbsup:

Thank you..........................end quote :- "
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jnjsse said:
still dont know wat happened?!
there's no real way of answering that jnjsse without dragging up a load of unpleasantness again - and really its best if that doesn't happen.....suffice to say its not been very nice in k9 for the last few days
I missed it all as well...........But ALL forums have arguments and slagging on.But the ones i go on are not dog discussion boards....But THAI-BOXING/MARTIAL ARTS Boards so you kind of expect it on those :- " But not on here :wacko:

Glad it's calmed down.....This site is/was great for me to find out info(i'm a newbie) and to ask questions and get to know breeders/owners.....and to find our Eric :wub:
best not to take these things to heart, :thumbsup: its a forum and these things happen, i go an a chinchilla site that you just dont say anything on unless you dont mind getting you head bitten off :(

a big :thumbsup: to k9 from me anyway ;)
I've seen a little bit of nastiness already but I can only dislike those that have upset me (being a Cancerian) :D

We're not all bad on this forum and 99% of the people just want to help others out.

Out of that 99% only 49.5% are right so it's up to you to decide what's right and what's wrong :D

If you need any help, you can still ask and someone will answer. Behind the politics, people still care :wub:
AnnSa said:
Well to me it looks like a bunch of bitter jealous women who should know betterat their age, coming onto a forum and hiding behind their keyboards to bully

someone who isnt in their gang :- "


I might be wrong...........................but i doubt it. Jealousy is a funny thing

Well having contributed to a couple of the more contentious topics I have neither hid behind my keyboard OR an assumed name and what you see is what you get. I also have no problem saying to someones face what I have put in writing which might not win me many friends but hey that is life. I also dont pretend to be something I am not. I am more than happy to give people a balanced and informed view on Iggies as many will testify on K9. I have absolutely nothing to be jealous of both in the world of dogs or in my 'other life' the one that actually pays for my dogs, house and social life. If anyone has any cause at any time to disagree with any of my posts please feel free to PM me, I will be more than happy to debate with you in private.

I am also a great believer that there is two sides to every story.

The problem is that a whole topic can go to ratsh*t if it gets personal and that is where the moderators come in.

As I have previously said debate is healthy and I have many times found myself agreeing with those who I dont much care for and disagreeing with those who I do.

As to being a woman of a certain age, dont knock it until you try it, I have never enjoyed life so much even if Stormy hasnt sent me a personal PM :(
I think I must have missed something too :unsure: as I'm too busy for k9 at the moment but I did see the attempts of someone at trolling on the showing forum which seemed to be an attempt to draw certain individuals into an argument by veiled references to their circumstances then attack them when they replied. Despite this a number of people responded with good, factual posts which is always the best way to fight this sort of trolling behaviour on boards, but if these sorts of threads continue on I know I will be spending even less time on here in future.
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Blimey - what have I missed? :eek: :sweating:

Hope everyone has kissed and made up :huggles:
phill said:
I missed it all as well...........But ALL forums have arguments and slagging on.But the ones i go on are not dog discussion boards....But THAI-BOXING/MARTIAL ARTS Boards so you kind of expect it on those :- "  But not on here :wacko:
Glad it's calmed down.....This site is/was great for me to find out info(i'm a newbie) and to ask questions and get to know breeders/owners.....and to find our Eric :wub:

LOL! Sorry but you can tell your a newbie simply by the fact you don't expect spats on a dog forum. (w00t)

Any game where there's a group of people brought together is going to have differences of opinion and like it or not there will always be good and bad people within it. How you view these individuals is up to you to decide and your opinions can change with time and observation both on the net and in person.

Personally I think the beauty of the internet is you can actually stop and think before you hit the reply button, however this can sometimes be it's downfall too in that how you actually percieve someone on here can be a far cry from what they're actually like in reality.

Either way I think a lot of folk would benefit from ignoring these arguments, if you do not know then do not post! If you don't like what you read then REPORT IT! Do not bump the bloody thing up again by posting your twopennysworth especially if you do not know the facts or the people concerned.

I love a good debate, and seeing a variety of opinions is enlightening, it's only when things get personal that it get's boring or exciting (depending on how you view it) ;)
Jan Doherty said:
As I have previously said debate is healthy and I have many times found myself agreeing with those who I dont much care for and disagreeing with those who I do.
As to being a woman of a certain age, dont knock it until you try it, I have never enjoyed life so much even if Stormy hasnt sent me a personal PM :(
I agree totally a good debate is great. If we all had the same views and values

forums would be dull places to try to learn from..............but open bullying is

a thing to be stopped in any forum...........its not needed and totally unfair if

your not part of the in crowd.


I dont know if the age remark is aimed at me personally but im a certain age

as you put it and in a word..........Bothered :))
wild whippies said:
phill said:
I missed it all as well...........But ALL forums have arguments and slagging on.But the ones i go on are not dog discussion boards....But THAI-BOXING/MARTIAL ARTS Boards so you kind of expect it on those :- "  But not on here :wacko:
Glad it's calmed down.....This site is/was great for me to find out info(i'm a newbie) and to ask questions and get to know breeders/owners.....and to find our Eric :wub:

LOL! Sorry but you can tell your a newbie simply by the fact you don't expect spats on a dog forum. (w00t)

Any game where there's a group of people brought together is going to have differences of opinion and like it or not there will always be good and bad people within it. How you view these individuals is up to you to decide and your opinions can change with time and observation both on the net and in person.

Personally I think the beauty of the internet is you can actually stop and think before you hit the reply button, however this can sometimes be it's downfall too in that how you actually percieve someone on here can be a far cry from what they're actually like in reality.

Either way I think a lot of folk would benefit from ignoring these arguments, if you do not know then do not post! If you don't like what you read then REPORT IT! Do not bump the bloody thing up again by posting your twopennysworth especially if you do not know the facts or the people concerned.

I love a good debate, and seeing a variety of opinions is enlightening, it's only when things get personal that it get's boring or exciting (depending on how you view it) ;)

Thats because I brought Phil here Jac so he would have expected fluffy n nice :teehee: :teehee: soz Phil :oops: :huggles:

I agree a debate is good but the last one was not a debate it was a witch hunt with a means to an end IMO, now that I can't abide :angry:

People need to remember the person you attack(whoever it is) is a human being with feelings and probably one or two more things going on in their lives than the dogs, they may be on K9 because they feel it is an escape from the day to day and that they come on here because they feel have people and friends to talk to ,with the same interests :)

Whether you say something nasty about someone verbally or in print the effect is the same it hurts people :( but then we are all adults so we know that dont we :- "
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There is healthy debate and just plain slagging off.

There is no need for nastyness, bitterness and just plain unpleastness.

We're all on here for one reason...our dogs...whats best for them and to gain knowledge and advice...for them.

Some of us have gained some great friendship from coming on here and have recieved support and kindness when its been needed.

But at the end of the day, there is enough S**t going on without starting any more of it, so everybody think about what might be going on elsewhere before cooking up yet another pointless arguement.
antbow said:
The last 3 days I have been sat here and I must say how disgusted I am that people,  when asking for help or any other kind of question get ripped apart by members of this supposedly helpful site.  I wqs under the impression that this site was set up in the first place to bring ideas together in order to help each other,  not to make life difficult for those that need genuine assistance.

Disgusting us doggy lovers slaggin one another off, what we oughta do is hire one of these bloody big warehouses and have a dam good love in, :cheers: by god sir just put me in charge broken guinness bottles, jack boots, tin hats, i'll supply the lot, eh :lol: wa heyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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