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Diet Advice Wanted


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Hi all,

I have been absent from this forum for quite some time but have a few questions about whippet weight.

I weighed my girls at the vets today before their vaccinations and Willow was 12.9 kg (age 5) but Buffy was 16.1kg (age 4)! Both are around 18 inches tall (measured just now while asleep so maybe not that accurate - they are reasonably small anyway).

Buffy has always been a wider build with a sort of barrel chest but she is turning into a monster whippet!

The vet reckons they both could do with losing a bit (mainly Buffy though) and suggested a prescription diet. but I am not sure about this.

I am considering changing to a raw diet (I have read quite a few controversial postings on this so don't want to stir it all up again!), but not sure about how much to feed each day.

They currently eat 1/3 large sized tin of Butchers between them for breakfast (sometines just 1/4) and the same for dinner plus about a mug full of pedigree biscuits. I have cut down on treats (I know I should cut them out altogether) to maybe a dentastick a day, plus the odd bit of ham or chicken if there are leftovers.

I am aware that some foods are better than others and I have tried so many but they are rather fussy. I tried a diet for about 2 months using Pedigree weight control biscuits only. Buffy lost less than half a kg and has since put it back on again. The problem with this was they were constantly hungry so I reverted back to tinned food.

As for exercise, they get 2 off lead walks a day, each for about half an hour, sometimes longer (especially this time of year e.g. an hour leaping in the water at the beach) and one walk usually includes high energy ball throwing and lots of chasing round like nutters. Both girls have well defined thigh muscles and have good stamina.

Any suggestions would be great as I want to do the best for my girls.

Many thanks in advance.

Mine are fed a mixture of raw, cooked, fresh sprats when I can get them, complete greyhound maintenance food, wholemeal biscuit, lamb ribs, beef bones, chicken wings etc. Left over veg scraps, anything I think they might eat. Quantities, haven't a clue!!!!!!!!!! Having been feeding like this for ages I just do it by eye, if they are looking light, up the amount fed or visa versa!!!!!!!!

It's really up to you.
The rule of thumb for feeding is approximately 2% of their correct adult body weight.

I feed raw and all mine get one chicken wing in the morning and an evening meal of raw rabbit and raw mince. They get raw rib bones on a Saturday and supplements such as cod liver oil, seaweed powder and bone meal. Tripe sticks are the favoured treat! (I freeze all raw meat before defrosting and feeding).

If they need weight on, I give more. If they need weight off, I give less :thumbsup:

All mine vary in shape and size - there is no standard whippet size, just like humans (w00t)
Some dogs carry more weight than others never mind what you feed them , just like folk ,

I too look at my dogs each day to se if they need more or less food ,

Irrespective of wether you feed raw stuff or complete biscuits it always seems harder to get it `off than `on.. much like me :thumbsup:
instead of hight fat proten treets try carrots dont know a whippet that doenst love them
Thanks to everyone for their helpful comments :thumbsup: . I am going to change their diet and see what works best for them, plus keep an eye on fatty Buffy and feed accordingly. Hopefully she will be Weight Watchers Whippet of the month very soon! I will keep you posted on their progress.

Alison :)
Thanks to everyone for their helpful comments :thumbsup: . I am going to change their diet and see what works best for them, plus keep an eye on fatty Buffy and feed accordingly. Hopefully she will be Weight Watchers Whippet of the month very soon! I will keep you posted on their progress.
Alison :)
cut them down to 1 meal a day (pm) and up the exercise and they will soon be trim