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Did everyone have a good Christmas?


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I can't believe how quickly Christmas passes by every year! Dennis has been very spoilt and is currently parading round with his racoon toy!
We had a quiet Christmas, no visitors, dogs had a nice walk on Christmas day, they came home feeling well satisfied.
Brilliant time, had lovely meals with a friend on Sunday and Monday at dog friendly places and another on boxing day at a friends, (with her boxer and a mastiff cross dog de Bordeaux), so my Whippet was easily the smallest but all three get on really well together. And living on my own having nice meals cooked for me and sharing with friends is lovely. And Folly the Whippet managed to get treats of quite a few people. (she knows exactly how to use her eyes to soften people, and I have to say that includes me), and of course she's had plenty of walks.
Family round for two days, a hectic time! It does go so quickly though, back to work soon :(
The nice thing about DS2 having moved out (he's only two miles away) is that when he comes home for Xmas Day, it really does feel like Xmas!

Jasper's second walk is usually around 2pm so in an attempt to avoid having to drag ourselves out when we can hardly even shift from the table, OH gave him his second walk at midday, while I cooked. It sort of worked... he didn't start whingeing till 3pm!
Lovely thank-you! I think dog owners have the best Christmases because they have to get out and walk off that xcess!
Lovely thank-you! I think dog owners have the best Christmases because they have to get out and walk off that xcess!

I wish this was the case with me! Dennis is so slow now sniffing everything, I don't think I burn off a thing! :D:D:D
Unfortunately OH and myself are trying to recover from 'flu which started the Monday before Christmas. My little chap is just getting back to his full exercise, he's been ever so good about it all.