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Deerhound ? On Eastenders Soap

Mike from Hereford

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Ok, I watched the drivel from the BBC, just loved the look of khengis (Spelling) wished I had one, no chance ?

Mike from Hereford said:
Ok, I watched the drivel from the BBC, just loved the look of khengis (Spelling) wished I had one, no chance ?

Ghengis as in Ghengis Khan! Have you tried Wolfhound Rescue?
Barely ever watch any television, but have seen this dog (think Loopy's right, Wolfhound - too heavy boned and sparsely coated for Deerhound).
Hey Mick, whats this east enders??

Last time I watched tely, it was coronation street and floory lindley had the corner shop and ena sharples, martha longhirst and minney coldwell drank in the snug :lol: :lol:
Well ahead of me on that one you have colour telly down your way? :blink:
Fraid I do watch a bit of telly and the dog I like best is the one that pops out of Hyacinth Bucket (no Bouquet's) sisters rusty old car in front garden!

Now that does look more deerhoundy! Not that you see much of it unfortunately.

Never seen either of them go for a good run tho!
I know im sad but i put eastendres and Ghengis in surech and it came up and said he was a wolfhound in quiet a few sites if that any use and i watch all the soaps cos i have no life :lol:
Never seen that one Loopy, 'Alfred'? in "Heartbeat" was nice looking lurcher (although I think he was actually two different ones - both rescues - and one a bitch!)

Not seen "Emmerdale" - but apparently there is deerhound looking x on that sometimes.
I watch EastEnders, the only soap I watch but isn't it getting rubbish lately?

Ghengis from EastEnders (yes he is an Irish Wolfhound):

Hyacinth Bucket (no Bouquet) was in 'Keeping up Appearances', they show repeats on Sky so you'd have to cast your mind back a few years if you don't have it. (which you very sensibly may not) the dog lived in her sister's old rustbucket of a car parked in the garden & used to erupt barking out of the window whenever anyone went past especially Hyacinth! (I know I'm sad!)

Yes Eastender is getting rather silly nowadays. Must have run out of ideas!

The Heartbeat doglet/s are lovely, bit like larger Lupin's.

My avatar is showing Lupin my little whippet x beddie/grey/collie! I don't know how to do one with Zephyr (new blue merle collie x lurcher pup 12 weeks) had to get someone to do this for me on Lurcherlink.
My son went away one weekend Loopy - thats the only way I learnt how to resize photos and add them to a post:lol: , think there is link on here somewhere telling you how to add photos - possibly in FAQ. :thumbsup:

I think you can also add photobucket for free on to your toolbar, though I dont do it that way - I probably do it the long way round - in the photo file of my PC - I go to images and shrink the % size then save, then where it says browse usually can find it again in the photo folder...hope thats of some help :b probably not :p

Dont have sky, bit weird in that I dont watch much telly at all...though looking forward to a programme on BBC2 tonight on taxidermy :unsure: (honestly, looks quite interesting). :thumbsup:
I can't even find the photo file most of the time! Did have photobucket but when I sent photo it crashed recipients pc! I go into a tizz even at the thought of posting. Will try & have a go sometime when school hols are over as younger son has me too wound up to think clearly most of the time.

Older son does get impatient with me but he's always wanting to borrow money (which I don't get back) so he can earn some of it (he can't post either) by downloading the pics from camera.

My dogs seem to quite like TV, Lupe dashed over to it the other day when a dog barked on some program! Otherwise I seem to work constantly or read books when I'm not out with the hounds.