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dawdon wrc open

whippet one

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how many are going to dawdon on sat lets make it a good one as tanya has put in a lot of work to get the track right hope to see you there
i here tanyas been took into hospital ...we hope shes okay
hi tanya has been in hospitel so the open was ran at horden results no limit miss dinamite after three re runs due to one been left in traps second a dog got off the lead the third one left in trap again 40 lb ink spot 36 lb show three pup final midnight run vets free n easy bitch final fluke class biddy cinnamon bella dogs final sammy boy class coral indian ink show bound sup no runoff sammy boy wd fluke wins
the no limil dogs only ran 4 times due to two dogs left in traps and a dog geting off so the 4th run was the final not 6 runs
You've misinterpreted what I've said. Kipper got 6 runs in yesterday, not races.

Should last him till the Scottish Derby :D :D :D :D
Can i please thank albert, joan, gary and all the other people for putting on the lucky white open for me while i was in hospital, can i also thank everyone for turning up and racing that day cheers everyone!! tanya.