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Dana Scared The Life Out Of Me Last Night


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my little dana scared the living daylights out of me last nigth. a rolled over in bed at 4 in the morning to find dana curled up in a little ball with her eyes wide open, i thought i had woke her up rolling over so said "hey baby u ok" she didnt i put my hand on her and she was this point i was getting a little worried so i went to check her pluse, i had to uncurl her to do this and she was all stiff.

so there i am lay in bed convinced my little old girl has died in her sleep, im talking to her telling her its not a bad way to go with my eyes full of tears...i reach over to her to pick her up and hold her when she jumps up with a rather disgusted look on her face cos i had woke her up at stupid o'clock. i didnt know wether to laugh, cry or crap myself....i think i did abit of all three lol.

freaky dog sleeping with her eyes open lol
oh gosh, how terrifying! glad she's ok, the little minx!
yeah she is doing good for her age (13), her heart isnt fab but she is on good meds for that. she just likes to keep me on my toes lol