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Cut Stopper Pad


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hi ,

can anyone tell me how i can help repair a cut stopper pad on our whippet ?

I use sudocream on Lily when she cut hers at racing. Seems to heal them quite quickly. :)
hey there, i would try jensons violet wrapped in a bandage then after you use this method of healing, use epsom salts in a thick paste on a bandage and this will harden the pad back up.good luck :luck: hope it works.
Only Ricky has had cut stopper's and I used Sudocream on him. I put vaseline on the stopper's before we race him. It should heal quickly :thumbsup:
Ours tore both of his really badly after skidding to a stop on a very rough path in (unintended) hot pursuit of something - we bathed them in Epsom salts, and kept him in for a few days during which which he kept them well-licked himself; I didn't bother trying to bandage them. They healed very quickly and cleanly. :luck:
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Mine skin their stopper pads quite regularly when they skid to a halt whilst hunting. I wash them once we get home and then just ignore them and exercise as normal. They heal within a day or so.