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Cushings disease


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Hi everyone, I have been aware that my elderly spaniel bitch has been drinking more than usual so I took her to the vet. The results of a blood test that he took were that her kidney results were just within normal parameter but she showed a high ALT(?) reading. She is going in for a ACTH stem test next week as vet thinks she may have cushings disease. This appears to be easily treated but needless to say I am concerned it could be something else far worse.

Anybody have Any ideas, and any advice about signs to watch for with cushings or cancer. So far she seems well but just slower on walks which are getting gradually shorter. She has arthritic hips and has Meloxidyl every other day. Vet happy that her kidneys can cope with this. I bought her a memory foam bed some time ago but will she look at it? Sometimes but prefers her beanie bag!,

Happy Christmas to you all

Sorry, no real experience of Cushings apart from in horses where it is often seen in elderly horses. Your vet will fill you in on it.

If she is preferring her bean bag to other beds, is she seeking the heat that they generate? Dogs can't tell us if they are feeling the cold more when elderly or poorly. Might be worth researching heated beds for her?