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Crystal Blue


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Wendy just phoned crystal blue fell on her wrist at the knock off racing yesterday morn on her home track maltby having been to the vets its been confirmed shes broke it

so sorry wend hope she mends well x :luck:
oh wendy i'm so sorry to read this, we know exactly how you feel having gone through the last thing with zena last week :(

i hope its not a bad break and that crystal makes a speedy recovery, demi sends her mum lots of kisses and luck :luck: :huggles:
Sorry to hear this sad news hope she soon better for you Wendy :luck:
oh wendy i'm so sorry to read this, we know exactly how you feel having gone through the last thing with zena last week :(
i hope its not a bad break and that crystal makes a speedy recovery, demi sends her mum lots of kisses and luck :luck: :huggles:
shes having it wired tomorrow sally
so sorry to hear this. hope she makes a great recovery 4 u. :luck:
So so sorry to read this. Please tell Wendy and Steve we wish Crystal a full and speedy recovery, there are such a lot us us

in the broken whippet club at the moment.

All the best :luck: :luck:

Marie and Graham
:luck: hope she makes a speedy recovery :luck:
sad news, hope she makes a full recovery :luck: :luck: :luck:
so sorry to hear this all the best for a speedy recovery x

Dave,Jeanne, Vanessa x
So very shocked to read this Wendy, after we were all so sure it was just a bad sprain. Hope Crystal is up and about on all fours again soon, I don't need to mention kisses and cuddles because we know how spoilt she is.

Paws crossed :luck: :luck:

Judith and Elise
so sorry to hear this hope she makes a full recovery bless her shes so special :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh poor Crystal, I hope she is feeling better soon and that everything goes ok tomorrow. :wub: :huggles: :huggles:
So Sorry Wendy ...hoping Crystal makes a speedy recovery
Sorry to read of Crystals bad luck, hope she recovers soon and everything goes well tomorrow :luck:
Sad news about Crystal.Fingers crossed everything goes well tomorrow and lots of :luck: :luck: on a full recovery
Just spoken to Wendy - the op was more tricky than first

thought. Crystal has to stay at vets tonight but hopefully

will be home tomorrow.

Love to you and Steve and wishing Crystal a speedy recovery.

wishing crystal a speedy recovery :huggles:
Fingers crossed for you both, l hope every thing goes alrigth for you, wishing Cyrstal a speedy recovery. :))
Wishing Crystal all the best, hope shes home soon :luck: :luck: :luck: