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Crutiate ligament damage - spaniel - leave or operate?

Jenni Fisher

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My 10 year old cocker (Rosie) has cruciate ligament damage and is permanently holding her leg away from the ground. She is on painkillers while we decide whether to let nature heal it (with rest) or have an operation. Any views?
My Beagle Murphy ruptured his cruciate last June and I opted for surgery for him straight away, it was a long 16 weeks cage rest and then 12 weeks gradual build up back to normal exercise, but totally worth it he is running around chasing bunnies again as if nothing has happened to him, he was 8 at the time and the surgery and aftercare has cost me about £3500 but it was what my vet thought was his best chance of full recovery,

I think you should have a long chat with your own vet as they know your dog best and they will know exactly what options are available for your girl and help you make the best decision for Rosie, Good Luck whatever way you decide to treat this. :luck: