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Grand Master Undead Fighter
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Well I am currently at the station waiting on my bus to go home. Crufts was amazin! It was so cool to meet fellow k9ers and put faces to names. Helen, William is gorgeous as is Owen. Everyone else whos dogs I saw when I was there were gorgeous. I had a brilliant day!
same here lynn,

My legs are really hurting because of all the walking i did today. It was really nice to meet you and everyone there.

K9 badges everywhere (w00t)
nice to meet you guys i was going to post last night but after wek got back and sorted the dogs out I sat at the computer did one post and was woken up 4 hours later buy tony telling me to go to bed :lol:

i spent most of the day darting between the whippet and greyhound rings and maneged to miss everyone I new in every class :lol:

Were a bit worred about Alexs she keept disapering over to dicover ogs to cuddle a little shetland sheep dog She was a lovly little thing but to much hair and and bark to live here :lol:
I had a pass too kindly given to me - but alas couldnt go this year :( . Maybe next year - hope you all enjoyed yourselves. :cheers:
well my legs and back are killing me today :( and both my shoulders are dislocated i think :lol:

i spent a fortune :- " ...but got loads of nice stuff...didnt watch any dogs showing (w00t) (saw a few waiting though :b )

met a couple of people...some who were exactly as i imagined and some completley different!!! :lol: :wacko: (w00t)
fallenangel said:
nice to meet you guys i was going to post last night but after wek got back and sorted the dogs out I sat at the computer did one post and was woken up 4 hours later buy tony telling me to go to bed :lol:    i spent most of the day darting between the whippet and greyhound rings and maneged to miss everyone I new in every class :lol:

   Were a bit worred about Alexs she keept disapering over to dicover ogs to cuddle a little shetland sheep dog She was a lovly little thing but to much hair and and bark to live here :lol:

Wendy we must have croosed paths between the greyhound and whippet rings as I too spent most of my time running between them lol

Had A GREAT DAY and several k9ers found the big white 'whippet'

at the end of the benches and came to say hello William had many :huggles: and eventually lay in the midle of the gang way and fell asleep forcing everyone to walk round or over him nothing was going to make him move (w00t) Although there were several atempts made to dognap him (Lynn) non succceeded and he is still fast asleep having not moved all night

Lynn thanks for your help holding dogs and carrying things we turned her into a walking wardrobe hanging my jacket of her rucksack don't know how we would have managed without her

for those who keep asking no Lynn was nothing like I expected tall and BLONDE

this is Lynn


She'll probably kill me now but everyone keps asking what she looks like

Lynn pm'ed me at about 7am to say she had just got home having left home at 8.s0 pm on Thursday Lynn you must be mad
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Yep Im dog mad lol. The journey back was the worst I have to say. By the time I got home I was ready to just curl up with my babies and go to sleep and thats exactly what I did. Just took them out for a walk and they are all knackered aswell now.
Well if anyone saw a large dark haired man with a brown hat on pulling a big red bag on wheels that was my hubby tony Ales had a cubble with joeys dog in discover dogs aswell every year i try and get to strick the chines crested but there woman never speaks to me I must look a bit dodgy :lol:
Well if anyone saw a large dark haired man with a brown hat on pulling a big red bag on wheels that was my hubby tony Ales had a cubble with joeys dog in discover dogs aswell every year i try and get to strick the chines crested but there woman never speaks to me I must look a bit dodgy :lol:

sorry it camr on twice
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Lots of K9 badges?..............WHERE? I looked everywhere for you all, and only spotted one -Oxana! (was good to meet you though *grin*)

met 2 more over at discover dogs (without badges tut tut!!!!!) and found the K9 food stash, but no people!

I suppose you're all going to tell me that you had more important things to do than meet and greet me.............probably some lame excuse about showing whippets or some such! :D :D

Had a great day though...........and have fallen in love with pharoe hounds! OH was rather taken with the mexican hairless dude - but still says NO MORE DOGLETS :(
I went yesterday & looked for K9 badges but didnt see a one :( Spent ages in Discover Dogs & now I want a Sloughi :wub: O.H. says I can have one but only if I send one of ours for rehoming :rant: Anyone know of a rehoming centre that takes in balding middle aged men?? :- "
Hey guys

Just downloaded some of the pics from crufts. I had to put these up of the lovely william and owen


