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Cross lab/retriever showing aggression towards dogs on leads


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I have kept dogs before but all have passed away and I have recently adopted a 4 year old Lab/Golden Retriever cross. She was bred to be a guide dog but was unable to commence her training as she had a mild illness (vaginitis) when she was a pup. For the previous 3 years, she lived with another family who had to give her back to the Guide Dogs Association as they could no longer afford to keep her. She is well trained and I have reinforced her training and developed a very strong bond with her. She is a wonderful dog in every way (but one!) and is my 2 year old daughter's best friend.

I have successfully controlled her urge to swim by teaching her to heel and only go into the water on command. However, when off lead, she will continually break her heel to approach other dogs (this is the only time that she breaks heel) who are being walked on leads and I don't know of a way to stop her from doing this. She takes great pleasure in 'winding up' aggressive dogs who are being walked on the lead, particularly if they bark at her. The ensuing barking from my dog causes quite a scene. She also enjoys bullying small yappy dogs and barks back at them and will chase them whilst nipping at their neck. She is a very good natured dog and up until now she just seems to have been finding some kind of amusement in the 'wind up' and not being aggressive.

More recently however, she seems to have learned that a dog on a lead has a limited ability to harm her and she has become a bit aggressive and a bit of a bully which goes against her very friendly and submissive nature. Maybe it's like humans, weaklings can take advantage and become bullies?

I could take the easy option and walk her whilst playing fetch as this distracts her from all things but I'd love to understand why she's doing this and how I can control it without the distraction of a ball.(Particularly as my daughter can become possessive over the ball!!!!).

Please could you advise me as to how to stem this behaviour.

Many thanks in advance.
Iv'e read this a few times to try to see the problem............Does all this happen while your dog is off lead? If so, it sounds like it could be solved really keeping your problematic dog on a lead until it learns how to behave....otherwise you leave yourself at the mercy of people who do keep their dogs on a lead and therefore under control....? But as I said, perhaps I did not read your post right?
How is her recall once she breaks heel?

I agree with TTT.

My dog would not be allowed off lead if her recall isn't 100%. It then is my job to train her.

If your dog goes mad for a ball then that is the perfect training tool, not as a distractor.

Take a step back and start with the basics. While training, proximity with other dogs on lead is important. Start with distance and slowely (at your dog's pace) move closer. Use a long training lead for your dog and the ball as reward for good behaviour.