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Crate Accident


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This afternoon i heard some screams coming from next door,next minute there was banging on my door,it was my neighbour,could i come around as her Staffie got her paw stuck in the cage door :eek: So i quickly went around and discovered the cage wiring was actually through her paw :x dripping with blood.Luckily the Staffie was calm,but not the owner, as she was panic-stricken,so i calm the owner and at the same time seeing to the Staffie,i got her to ring the vet to come out straight away which they did in ten minutes.They had to used a large pair of pliers to cut around the paw and then make her sleepy.Anyway my neighbour called round tonight to thank me,they manage to take out the cage wire,luckily it did,nt touch the bone but it caught the nerves.What are neighbours for :D :D
Aww dawn your a star lucky they have neighbours like you and rob eh :huggles: hope the little dog makes a speedy recovery :luck:
daledogs said:
This afternoon i heard some screams coming from next door,next minute there was banging on my door,it was my neighbour,could i come around as her Staffie got her paw stuck in the cage door :eek: So i quickly went around and discovered the cage wiring was actually through her paw :x dripping with blood.Luckily the Staffie was calm,but not the owner, as she was panic-stricken,so i calm the owner and at the same time seeing to the Staffie,i got her to ring the vet to come out straight away which they did in ten minutes.They had to used a large pair of pliers to cut around the paw and then make her sleepy.Anyway my neighbour called round tonight to thank me,they manage to take out the cage wire,luckily it did,nt touch the bone but it caught the nerves.What are neighbours for :D :D

Well done you! :huggles:

I think these wire crates are so bloody dangerous i will NOT use them.

I stupidly many years back bought a huge one for the back of my van for the affies.

One day in excitement of going out one of the IGs jumped into it BUT when she tried to jump back out, being crazy as they are she jumped with her back foot looped through one of the bars. :eek:

Needless to say she completely snapped her back leg (hock) in half, BUT worse was left dangling in mid air with the foot still caught :x

I now only ever use either Vari kennels, complete solid covered plastic or the soft crates. :thumbsup:
We are still puzzled how it happened,believe me it was'nt a pretty site.To be honest normaly i can't bear to see things like that,but my most concern was the Staffie.
Well done you :thumbsup:

Hope the dog has a speedy recovery :luck:
well done you for not panicking :thumbsup: ,must have been a little nerve wrecking :sweating:
Well done Dawn -what a hero, :huggles: poor dog. :( Get Well soon. :luck: :huggles:

surely this is a crate manufacturing problem. Ive never had any problems with the crates I have...they werent cheap but you only get what you pay for.

Reputable firms wouldnt sell crap like this.
Well done, Dawn :) Lucky you were there to help

It must have been awful for the owner .... hope the Staffie gets well soon
Well done you! :huggles:

I think these wire crates are so bloody dangerous i will NOT use them.

I stupidly many years back bought a huge one for the back of my van for the affies.

One day in excitement of going out one of the IGs jumped into it BUT when she tried to jump back out, being crazy as they are she jumped with her back foot looped through one of the bars. :eek:

Needless to say she completely snapped her back leg (hock) in half, BUT worse was left dangling in mid air with the foot still caught :x

I now only ever use either Vari kennels, complete solid covered plastic or the soft crates. :thumbsup:

Yes I agree with you Nina as OH came in one day to find our dog with his little bottom jaw stuck in the small gap where the crate shuts - he was so desperate to get out it seems he was trying to chew it and got stuck and couldn't move poor little thing. I was mortified and immediately took the door off the crate and it has been off ever since. I have just replaced it with another solid one.
Yes I agree with you Nina as OH came in one day to find our dog with his little bottom jaw stuck in the small gap where the crate shuts - he was so desperate to get out it seems he was trying to chew it and got stuck and couldn't move poor little thing. I was mortified and immediately took the door off the crate and it has been off ever since. I have just replaced it with another solid one.

I know they are lethal, there has been many an IG broke its jaw on metal cages, one i know in the VETS. (w00t)

Its nothing to do with whether they are a cheap or expensive version at all. Either way they have large gaps between the bars, large enough to get a paw or leg trapped through or teeth caught in.

I would never use one of these again. :thumbsup:
I do used dog crates,but its made me very much aware how dangerous they can be .The one she had she got from new,its about2 yrs old.From now on i will be fully checking my cages all over for any wear and care and anything not right.

If anyone buy a second hand one that is either been hardly used or not,always check it over proberly,better still get one new and still check it over!!
well done :cheers:

its nice that tyhe dogs alright :huggles:
Poor Staffie, hope she gets better soon :luck:

I agree that they can be dangerous, Molly had an accident with one in the first week of us getting her :eek: we were playing a game of fetch when she got a bit over excited, she was running so fast that she had to skid to a halt and slammed into the side of the cage. She somehow managed to get her leg stuck in between the bars at the 'knee' part. Well she was howling and crying while we tried to free her, it was so upsetting as we'd only had her a couple of days and she was our first dog :(

She came away unscathed but needless to say we had to abandon crate training and put up with quite a few puddles as she wouldn't go near the thing after that!

We do still use a crate for Lenny but it has a cover on it and its never closed, he just likes to sleep in it :wub: however, the more stories I hear, the more I'm thinking that I'll save up for a solid kennel type one.