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Coursing Ferret?

Mark Roberts

The Ringmaster
Reaction score
OK we've read all the storys regarding coursing whippets ect but does anyone else have a coursing Ferret!.

went out yesterday with the ferrets & dogs and after a while one of the ferrets came out of a hole and the next thing I new a mouse was running in front of it? the ferret took off after it and it actually looked like the ferret was coursing the mouse (realy funny to watch) I must admit that in the end the ferret became unsighted and lost the mouse.

but could this be a new type of coursing :thumbsup:

PS: The ferret concerned is available at stud if any of the coursing lads want to put a bit of fire into their lines? Hey Lampy could this be a mate for Saucy Madam o:)
Would love to have seen that-brilliant story!

A friend of mine runs a ferret rescue in the South West-am going to tell her as she is always looking for ways to amuse her lot.
hi mark you can add ferret class at the northerns lure coursing this year then? :thumbsup:
Never thought of that Paul,

Do you think we should ad a few ditch's and hurdles as well make it even more interesting. :wacko: