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hi hope someone out ther can help. as most of you know we'v had a new dog now a week and 3day when we had him he had a slight cough .but over the week its got better it's like a dry cough .now the last three day's my other baby blue has started coughing as well .what could be causing this and should i be worried and take them to the vets . :( im asuming whatever it is he's picked it up of the new dog .as ther not around any other dogs :( ther not of ther food and are really lively and dont look or act like ther ill apart from the coughing .thanks in advance for any help :thumbsup:
Sounds like Kennel Cough. It isn't usually serious, but is very contagious. Keep the dogs quiet and well hydrated. If you are at all worried, take them to the vet. They can develop a secondary bacterial infection which requires anti-biotics.
Joanna said:
Sounds like Kennel Cough. It isn't usually serious, but is very contagious. Keep the dogs quiet and well hydrated. If you are at all worried, take them to the vet. They can develop a secondary bacterial infection which requires anti-biotics.
Thanks for the quick reply .ther only coughing now and then the new addition is only coughing maybe 3/4time a day now but blue my other dog is cough first thing in the morning and is spaced out id say roughly about every 3/4hrs its not really bad only last about 5/10mins each time .is ther anything i can buy to ease it :thumbsup:
Some people use Children's Benylin. When mine had it, I didn't bother, but they weren't too bad. Seriously, if you are concerned and Blue is really off colour, get him to the vet for some A/B cover :thumbsup:
Definitely sounds like kennel cough! I use Children's benelyn and it is great. But I would take them to the vet and get some a/bs as Tiny recently had kennel cough and developed bronchitis despite being whisked off to the vet off 2 weeks of steroids and a/bs.
would it be worth letting the breeder know so they can warn the other people who had puppies and make sure all is well at there place as well??
whippet.kd said:
would it be worth letting the breeder know so they can warn the other people who had puppies and make sure all is well at there place as well??
Already informed him via email as i know he has another whippy :thumbsup:
I use the homeopathic remedy "drosera", it works well for kennel cough.
You can buy it from here. Also I give my dogs their kennel cough preventative treatment in pill form. Ainsworths

If you click on Remedy Orders and then select the first letter of the remedy from the list.
daledogs said:
how are the boys today?
hi daledogs the new boy seems fine now ..just my blue hes no worst than yesterday but no better either so im guna give it till tuesday if thers no improvement then il take hime to the vets ..other than the coughing he's ok hes not off his food and running around and playing as usual and when he does cough its doesnt seem to bother him much ..he just carrys on with what hes doing :thumbsup: