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The software used by K9 for this bulletin board uses cookies to keep track of which posts you have read and also to log you back in when you return to K9.

Because of the various rebuilds of K9 recently and some strange behaviour between the K9 software and Internet Explorer some people have been experiencing a few problems (me included) with the correct functioning of the cookies.

The symptoms are:

- If you select 'Mark posts as read' it doesn't mark them as read.


- If you try and logout it doesn't let you.

The solution that worked for me was to delete the cookies set by K9. The cookies are identifiable by either the words k9community or ikonboard in the name. Please note that after you delete these cookies you WILL have to log in again (NOT re-register, just log in again using your username and password).

How to delete the cookies (in later versions of Internet Explorer):

Start Internet Explorer.

Click on 'Tools' in the menu bar.

Click on 'Internet Options'.

Click on the 'General' tab.

Under the 'Temporary Internet Files' section click on 'Settings'

Click on 'View Files' button.

This will bring up a listing of all the temporary internet files stored on your computer.

Click on the 'Name' column so all the files are sorted in alphabetical order.

Move down the list and you should see a number of files starting with the name 'Cookie:', this is followed by your Windows login name then an @ symbol, then the site id.

What you need to do is delete all the Cookies where the site id contains the words k9community or ikonboard. Just select the appropriate file(s) and press the delete key, confirm that you do want to delete the file(s).

After you have deleted all the k9community & ikonboard cookies go to the board and Login again. Now hopefully all your cookies should work fine.