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Constant Peeing in House


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Hey everyone

We have a 2 year Chihuahua boy who has been neutered. We have two other Chihuahua's in the house (both girls) and a cat.

The problem we are having is that the boy in constantly peeing in the kitchen. When I say constant I meant 10 + times per day. The amount isn't huge but its becoming a big problem.

The peeing has always been there (even before the third chi and cat came along) but it seems to be getting worse (we thought getting him neutered would reduce it) He recently stayed with my fiancées parents whilst we were away on holidays and they said he didn't pee in the house once.

We are beginning to wonder if it is behavioural (ie for attention) as he only pees in the kitchen when we leave the room (even if its only for 5 minutes). He also doesn't pee in the living room but we are always with him in that room.

Does any one have any thoughts / suggestion or experience of this?

Dogs, particularly ones who have been scolded for toileting indoors, will often create or seek out opportunities to toilet away from you. They associate the toilet with the scolding, not the place with the scolding. So they think if you aren't there, they are safe to toilet in private.

First step is always to rule out any medical cause (it doesn't sound likely, given he was ok at the other house) then right back to basics with toilet training. Take him out, wait with him, when he toilets make it absolutely rain fabulous rewards. Maybe even use a new, unique treat just for outside toilets, like frankfurter sausage, chicken, cheese. Reward him immediately, don't ask for a come or a sit or anything so it is completely clear that it is for toileting and not for something else. Set him up to succeed by aiming to have him out before he needs to toilet so every toilet is outdoors.

If he has an accident indoors, don't react at all, just clean up with an enzymatic cleaner. Enzymes remove any last trace of scent so he is less likely to be tempted back there. You need to leave them down for 10 minutes or so to work properly.
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Speak to your vet, they can give you helpful advice and also make sure it's not a medical condition. @JoanneF has given you some great advice so take on board what she has put.

I'd use an enzymatic cleanser as well - but i'd also invest in at least 2 belly-bands to prevent any MORE indoor-pee events, while i was re-training his housetraining habits. :)
I'd line the belly-bands with inexpensive disposable panty-liners, & remove the band only when he exited to potty outside, checking the liner to be sure it was dry, then replacing the liner if needed, & replacing the band B4 i'd let the dog re-enter the house. // Damp or dry, the liner should be changed at least 2X a day, morning during the 1st potty-trip, & evenings during the last one B4 bed.

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