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Congratulations to WCRCH The Bear and WCRCH Fuller Spirit who were both made up to Champions on Sunday.

Well done to both dogs and owners.

Best wishes

Darcia, Rob and the Dunctons
Yes congratulations to the new champions. Also to the dogs that achieved their half coats. It was a good day for the WCRCh Catch the Wind pups.

We would like to congratulate WCRCh THE BEAR also WCRCh FULLER SPIRIT well done to you- have you touched the ground yet!! Also well done to all that achieved their half coats. We were just sorry we had to miss what sounded like a good days racing - a bit hot though- phew!!!!!!
Well done all the dogs made up to champions also the dogs gaining their half coat ...... :D

half way there now Ross :D
We're just home from the Champs after spending a gorgeous week down in the South. Our congratulations too to Shaz and John and WCRCh Fuller Spirit, and also Karen Mick and family and WCRCh The Bear. Special congratulations too, to fellow Gloucester members Rob and Darcia with Ross getting his "half coat" - I know you are very proud of him. An excellent weekend at the Maidstone club, where you are always made to feel so welcome. The WCRA are certainly running the Champs to a very high standard, and they should be proud of the success of all the meetings now. Roll on Moreton-in-Marsh on 10th August, another good weekend I expect. See you all there!
Thanks June & Dave,

Yes, we are very proud of him - such a lovely surprise - but we have a long way to go yet!

Still, going to take the chance to enjoy the moment (might never happen again) and show off this lovely picture of him and his brother WCRCH The Bear taken by Kim's partner Mel on the day. (shame about the owners' - no offence Karen!)

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Great photo! I love the velvet jackets the winning dogs get now.

Yeah, it was a great weekend - looking forward to the next one.

Well done to all the winners!
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Thanks to all for your congrats for Fuller Spirit in gaining his title. It was a great day and well done to all other winners, especially the Bear.

Also here is a picture of Fuller in his velvet jacket, isn't he a stunner?
wow,, it worked, well I did have to keep all my fingers crossed. :D