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Concern for a collie pup - too much exercise?


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How much exercise should a 5 month old collie pup safely get . I am concerned for a pup belonging to a friend of mine who has been taking her pup on long walks most days,( right from the beginning) anything up to 7 - 8 miles on some occasions . This dog is off working stock and my friend says you don't need to be so careful with a dog of this type as you might with say a Labrador. The dog is also very thin and dosnt appear to be achieving much height. Call me the dog police but am genuinely concerned for this young dog.


Simples for me it's far to much, I wouldn't be doing that until at least 11 months to 13 months so you can tell your friend she's a loon lol
The trouble is there is no telling her. She knows everything and is always right. ,, !, I will find a way round it..

Thanks anyway.
A little visit from the RSPCA would make her jump even thow there are busy bodies who think they know everythink and they don't , keep us updated please.
Very surprised at the concerns and comments over this?! (w00t) [SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

The amount of exercise your neighbour gives the puppy is ideal. 5-7 miles for a five month old is a piece of cake to be honest.

[SIZE=9pt]These dogs were bred specifically for their intelligence, herding ability and incredible physical endurance and stamina. So [/SIZE]many[SIZE=9pt] people [/SIZE]underestimate[SIZE=9pt] how much time, effort and commitment they will need and it's the main reason so many end up in rescue shelters.[/SIZE]

I'm assuming you're not experienced or familiar with the breed so posting a couple of links to give a bit more info which should put your mind at rest.

Just don't ring the RSPCA yet because they might not appreciate it one bit. :> [SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

Border Collie 101
Thanks for the last reply it has put my mind at rest, and I haven't called the RSPCA!
Parly, we all know what collies can do and this is from me, my dogs when young was fit by walking but was allowed the grow until 9 months then steadily upping the exercise , if she did it at 5 months she prob did it at 4 months, for me you have plenty of time to get a dog fit and it not be me at 5 months and I ent a novice
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