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Come On You Wii Freaks


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ok anybody give me some info on how to play with others throu internet wii ??iv link it up to the internet but how do i add people to play games with ext :wacko: i know theres a few of you on here that have a wii so come on tell me :teehee:
I think if you are doing Mario Kart - you need to get your own and your friends ID code and then go to the friends section that comes up when you get the Worldwide and Continental options

I've not done it myself yet, but think the instructions are with your Wii somewhere!
i thought you liked to play with yourself nicky :teehee:
I've just asked Ben as he's had a Wii for christmas. He says Rachel is right you need your friend ID then go into the friends part :thumbsup:
i have been declared the worst wii player in the house by my kids....i suck at every game :teehee: