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Collie X Gsd


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Hi, we've got a 13 week old collie x gsd but we didnt know what breed he was when we picked him up. Basically, we went to pick up a kitten for my little sister and the lady that had the kitten also had one puppy. She didnt know her bitch was expecting and didnt want the puppy, she also didnt know what breed it was. We took the puppy home with us as i fell in love with him straightaway and she only had a small house and already 4 dogs and 3 cats. We werent contemplating ever getting a dog but we had just moved into our new house and thought he may be a great companion for our 2 year old daughter to grow up and settle in with, and as it happens, he has settled in lovely and i woulnt give him up for the world. We've recently been told that he is a collie x gsd and although i dont know an awful lot about dogs and different breeds, i have heard that gsd's are very big dogs and i was just wondering if anyone had any idea of how big he would grow?

Any information would be greatly appreciated ,

Sam and Chris
I would guess at a medium to large sized dog. As you say, GSDs are large dogs and a collie can also be quite some size so you are certainly looking more on the large side. This cross should be very intelligent and will need lots of socialising with other dogs and also plenty of exercise when it is old enough to get out and about. If you have a dog training club locally this will be a great start for both of you to learn together and you will be able to go along as a family at most training clubs - they will be able to help you with all aspects of dog care and training and it is also great fun and a good way to meet other dog owners. Congratulations on owning your first dog - puppies are very cute and cuddly, but they are also extremely hard work (it will be just like having another human baby!) and so be prepared for chewed furniture, plenty of work with the house training and also care will need to be taken with your two year old and the puppy - i.e. ensuring that games do not get out of hand and too rough (on either side!). Your puppy will bring you lots of love, fun and loyalty and I hopoe you will all be very happy together - just ask if you have any probs - this website is very friendly and full of very knowledgable people.
Hi Emily, thankyou very much.

We have a big field just behind our house and all our neighbours who have dogs take them there so he will have plenty to socialise with.

Our little girl loves Gizmo to pieces and he hasnt been any trouble at all really. The only thing we have found is that he doesnt like being on his own for very long so his bed is in our bedroom or he cries through the night.

He is a very bright little boy and my partner has already taught him to sit, lie, roll over and give his paw, which our toddler finds hysterical! Its so funny watching them both play together. They seem to have a mutual understanding in that they both use their big eyes to get what they want!
have you a pic of him please, i got a soft spot for gsd as i was brought up with them and owned one untill two years ago, i also had a collie x she was a lovely dog to. i think you'l find gizmo a fantastic dog to own and i hope you have loads of fun with him :thumbsup:
gizmo1.JPGthis is the most recent picture we have of him and it was taken when he was 10 weeks old
Wow - he is gorgeous - I see what you mean about the big puppy eyes! He really is adorable and I am sure you will have lots of years of fun with him. He will be great addition to your family and love you to pieces! Your 2 year old will have a loyal and faithful playmate - good luck with him he is adorable! :wub:

as you can see, his paws are absolutely massive so he will definitely be a big boy.

He's a big softie though, loves to snuggle between myself and chris on the sofa on a night and then follows us up to bed too lol. Him and our daughter are inseperable and we definitely made the right choice when we bought him home with us.

I will take some more pictures later and will post them on here as soon as i can.
he is so gorgeous....looks like he'll grow into a fairly large dog from the size of them paws... wish you all lots of happiness...
Another lovely pic - you can definately see both breeds in him. You certainly have a smashing pup - congratulations!
awww hes lovely :wub: :wub: i could just kiss that little fluffy face :* :D
Thank Carrie and Mel,

we have just given him a bath and dried him with the hairdryer so now he really is fluffy lol. I thought we'd have problems with keeping him still while we washed him but he absolutely loved it! He was having so much fun we struggled to get him out!

I've just charged the battery on my digital camera so I will get some more pics and post them soon.

hi there- love your pup!

I'd advise you get a book on the breeds that Gizmo is- and not leave him and your daughter together at all - he may be too rough or your daughter may be! they dont mean any harm- but any bad behaviour needs observing and correcting before bad habits develop :thumbsup:
Gizmo is absolutely gorgeous, it is hard to judge what size he will be from the picture, but looking at his feet I would think has lot of growing to do. What was his mum and why do you think he is a GSG X Collie? Have you considered his daddy may have been Rottie?

GSD pups have pricked ears by this time and Collie also have more high set ears. How heavy is he now? If you tell me I should be able to estimate his final size. :luck:
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HI Seraphina, im not absolutely positive he is collie x gsd. He's definitely a collie x and about 7 people on here have told me he looks like a gsd so i just assumed they knew what they were talking about lol. The lady I got him from does have a rottie living next door but they also have a gsd and a mongrel.

Thanks for the tip maggymills. I dont tend to leave my daughter alone with him anyway as he can be a bit rough sometimes when he gets excited and my daughter is only very little.

I'd love to know what my puppy is crossed with though! :unsure:
Gizmo753 said:
HI Seraphina, im not absolutely positive he is collie x gsd. He's definitely a collie x and about 7 people on here have told me he looks like a gsd so i just assumed they knew what they were talking about lol. The lady I got him from does have a rottie living next door but they also have a gsd and a mongrel.Thanks for the tip maggymills. I dont tend to leave my daughter alone with him anyway as he can be a bit rough sometimes when he gets excited and my daughter is only very little.

I'd love to know what my puppy is crossed with though!  :unsure:

OK are you saying the mother of Gizmo is Collie or CollieX and the other dog in the house is a GSD. The way i understood it that nobody knew who the Then i would expect him to be GSD size = about 60cm at shoulder and 35kg. :luck: