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Cod Liver Oil


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Does anyone give cod liver oil as a supplement? if so, how much (Saffy is about 12 kg)

It seems her skin is a bit dry as she's not used to heating(was all her life outside til we adopted her)and thought it might help.

Thanks! :))
I used to use Cod liver oil then I was told by my vet to try Meloza Corn Oil. You get a big bottle of it in tescos for 1.28...I used it and even after a couple of days I saw a huge difference. A week later when I took JD back to the vets she said that his coat was looking great. Give it a try. Hope this helps. :)
I use one capsule pierced and squeezed onto food, but I don't use it every day. Other days I might use 1/4 teaspoon wheatgerm and other times a capsule of Evening Primrose :thumbsup:
Oh forgot to say...its a table spoon of the meloza corn oil in their food. :))
jooley said:
Hello,Does anyone give cod liver oil as a supplement? if so, how much (Saffy is about 12 kg)

It seems her skin is a bit dry as she's not used to heating(was all her life outside til we adopted her)and thought it might help.

Thanks! :))


sometimes people think their dogs have a dry coat and add oil supplements when it is in fact due to a poor not suggesting this is the case but if the diet is high in LBV instead of HBV it can excete the waste through the skin....just a thought offence intended o:) :thumbsup:
In the past Alfie used to get sudden bouts of dandruff, I found giving him just one Evening Primrose capsule did the trick :thumbsup: He still gets Evening Primrose and Cod Liver Oil capsules but literally only once a week, if that.
Eli's coat improved drastically when I switched him to Burns complete, I think it can sometimes simply be a slight adjustment to diet thats required, perhaps it's worth thinking about before adding supplements. All dogs are different of course, just like us! Good luck!
ponygirl said:
Eli's coat improved drastically when I switched him to Burns complete, I think it can sometimes simply be a slight adjustment to diet thats required, perhaps it's worth thinking about before adding supplements. All dogs are different of course, just like us! Good luck!
i agree i used to find burns complete very good! :thumbsup:
A oil supplement should improve her coat if it's dry.

Once gave my old lab Ben ( lost him over 3 years ago aged 13) a cod liver oil supplement because i thought it would be good for him. I found it made his coat very greasy, so now i only give extra oils if their coats look dry or dull and in poor condition.
i give mine a shallow teaspoon daily, unless its a sardine day. something else i found helpful for skin/coat problems is 'shaws' tea tree shampoo :D amber in particular was prone to dandruff etc, but since using this its really cleared :thumbsup:
I give cod liver oil capsules from Dorwest herbs, every other day, and wheatgerm a couple of times a week. They also get garlic tablets every day. Mine are on the BARF diet :thumbsup: but I regularly give sardines for breakfast or tuna fish too.
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Hi i give Zeb 5mls of CLO (tesos liquid oil not capsuals has eat round them. :b ) . Or a tin of fish like sardines,mackeral,or pilchards, he loves them and always licks his bowl clean. :lol:
Dry coat can also be sign of worm infestation. Drontal would be the first thing i would try if I was not happy with the coat condition on my dogs.
when i worked at vets always told by vet that to much cod liver oil ie daily can cause liver damage,

we had loads of staffies in with skin probs,

adv evening primrose oil and check sleeping areas,where does your dog sleep.