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Yesterday I took my 3 Whippets out for a walk to some woods we go to a lot. 2 of them took off hunting. An hour later I was still walking round the woods calling them and Finbar returned. I kept shouting for Cloud and because I couldn't get in touch with the school I had to go and collect my kids. So I came straight back to the woods and I got a phonecall on my mobile off a vets surgery who said that some prople had found Cloud hanging upside down off some barbed wire in a field miles and miles from where we had been. So I drove to the Vets and saw my little man. Basically from his thigh to his flank (I think it's called) has had everything ripped from it. He had been given something to calm him down so he didn't really acknowledge me.

They operated on him early evening and struggled to stretch the skin over the enormous wound and weren't sure how to seal the skin. They were also talking about skingrafts.

Luckily he is microchipped because he must of lost his identity discs off his collar in the struggle.

I rang the man who found him to thank him and he said it was his passenger who had spotted Cloud as they were driving past. Thank God!

So please keep your fingers crossed for Cloud.
kirs said:
So please keep your fingers crossed for Cloud.
Oh my gosh, one of my worst nightmares - I do hope he will be ok and I certainly will be keeping my fingers crossed.

best wishes to you and him.

What a nightmare :( Poor, poor Cloud - is there any tendon or muscle damage?

Everything is crossed here that he will make a good recovery :luck: :luck:
Oh no how awful for you and cloud, keeping everything crossed and sending lots of positive thoughts for a very fasy recovery :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh what an awful thing to happen, wishing Cloud a speedy recovery :luck: :luck:

Poor Cloud. :( Wishing him a fast recovery. :luck: :luck:
Poor Cloud. :( Thank goodness there are some decent people left in the world who stopped to help him. :) Hope he feels better soon. Give him a big :huggles: from us all here. :luck:
What an awful accident, every dog owners nightmare

thank goodness the man spotted him.

:luck: Wishing Cloud a fast recovery
OMG!!! :(

Wishing cloud a very speedy recovery :huggles: :luck: ,Poor wee man,what a dreadful thing to happen,& thank goodness that he was spotted & rescued!

Like Juley say's,it's nice to know there's some decent people still around :thumbsup:

You must be feeling awful Kirs :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Cloud :( Sending him :huggles: and :luck: and hope they can mend his wound poor lad. :thumbsup:
:huggles: for cloud. Thats an awful thing to happen. Recover soon cloud. :wub:
:( Poor little man! :luck: :luck: Hope he makes a speedy recovery :thumbsup:
:poor poor Cloud. How awful for you both. Hope he starts to mend soon.

:huggles: :luck: :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
Oh Kirs, that's horrible :( How lucky that he was found by kind and brilliant passers-by. Cloud must have been in agony. I hope he's on the mend soon :luck:
Oh Cloud :( you poor thing. I hope and pray that his leg mends well and soon. Like everyone else has said, thank goodness for those lovely helpful people, and the microchip.

Hope you are holding up okay as well, this must have been a massive shock :huggles:
what a terrible time your having give ourlove to cloud and we hope hes on the mend soon, thank god he was found and we hope you are ok :huggles:
TERRIBLE THAT FOR THE DOG. I always make sure my dogs are trained to stay close by whilst they hunt as they can end up in the next county if not.

It was a good job he was spotted by the motorist. I think he may have got off lightly he may have cleared the fence on another day and got run over.

I'm very sorry to say it kirs but it's not the dogs fault, just lets hope everything is ok and that he makes a full recovery. And next time keep him on a lead.
mally said:
I'm very sorry to say it kirs but it's not the dogs fault, just lets hope everything is ok and that he makes a full recovery. And next time keep him on a lead.
:eek: with all due respect, Mally, I don't think she needs to hear that right now. We all learn lessons every day - and kirs isn't stupid.
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