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Closing Date Reminder


New Member
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I don't know about the rest of you but until last Saturday there seemed to be weeks until the first Open. :b

This is a reminder that the closing date for the 1st Nationals is THIS Sunday. I know that normally we set our closing date closer to the actual race day but some of us aren't as young as we were and we need a bit more time to prepare the programmes. ;)

Off to check if my dogs are entered. (w00t) :thumbsup:
Thanks for the reminder, is it entries to you Barbara? I will try and find an entry form to print off and get into the post :thumbsup:
Barbara, am I being silly? Im looking on NPWRA site and cant find an entry form to download? Im looking in the downloads folders?
If anyone could email an entry form to me I would appreciate, link Here ;) :))
Thanks Maureen/Barbara - all sorted now :thumbsup:
posted ours today ... thanks for the reminder Barbara x
Well..........posted ours :p , looking forward to the First Championships.............and so :luck: are we :thumbsup: :teehee: ;)
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