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Herebe Cleena whippet who does NOT live up to her name.


ANY mud and she is in it :rant:
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Is that why she called Cleena becuase you're always having to cleen her? :oops:
some dogs just love it, its like a magnet to one of mine. :wub:
Great pics :thumbsup:

Dippy has just discovered mud tonight and thought it was great fun to play in it :lol:
Great picture... :wub:

some dogs are at the best when up to the knees in mud...
What a smashing picture of her :wub: my two love water and mud too :thumbsup:
Joshua prefers fox muck to roll in, usually when I don't have time to bath him!

Great picture though.
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My two are allergic to mud, water, rain, snow, hail, fog, cold, heat ..... oh wait - that doesn't leave much does it!! (w00t)
what a cute girl, im so glad i dont have to wash her

Funny how even on a scorching day with the sun splitting the trees,they will still find a load of mucky water to lie in!! (w00t)
:wub: I love the pink collar!! :wub:

.......of course Cleena is rather lovely too :thumbsup:
i like the collar cleena is soooooooooooo cute :wub: :wub:
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dawn said:
Herebe Cleena whippet who does NOT live up to her name.

ANY mud and she is in it :rant:

She's gorgeous & looks lovely in her pink collar :wub:

Maybe you should have named her Grubbee Whippet (w00t) :lol: :p