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Clean Air

Mark Roberts

The Ringmaster
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Well what a great day for us non smokers, we can now go into pubs/clubs without having to endure those descusting vapures from stale cigarete smoke :thumbsup:

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im sure it will make a difference in these places but its also going to make the streets more full of smokers.

im sure most people have walked down a street and got a mouthfull of secondhand smoke from the person walking ahead of you ,now sometimes i will admit i get a little fix from it :- " but on most occassions its disgusting :x :x :x

good luck to everyone thats trying to kick the habit :luck: :luck: :luck:
I have to say i am really looking forward to going tot he pub and not coming back smelling like a chimney stack. But will i be able to get through the door without walking through a cloud of smoke...i wonder?
Absolutely fantastic - for years I hardly went into a pub as if I did I came back with streaming eyes, coughing and stinking of smoke and it put me right off. :x

Now I can really enjoy it again :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
i'm looking forward to the no smoking ban, but it will take time for the places to stop smelling of smoke, Adam smokes but not in the house and he made the rule not to let anyone smoke in the house,but as i am the non smoker everyone thought it was me (w00t)
One of the saddest things I have seen is when i go for check up at Melbourne Peter McCallum Cancer Hospital, and in the front there is always a huddle of patients, some with their drip stands, looking very ill, with no hair and they are there to have smoke. Even worse is that I need to take a deep breath and hold it while I run the gauntlet, as I found cigarette smoke very irritating to my lungs. :(

When people first started to smoke they were only able to do it in private. I think it is high time to ban people smoking on the street as well - now i run for cover :lol:
well im a smoker...for my sins, dont smoke in the house or out on the streets, but smoke in my garden...................i cant see how they can ban smoking outside in public places...after all smoking isnt illegal!!

this is the end of my social life, as i dont want to sit out a pub to have a ciggie!!!

maybe its time to quit :thumbsup:
Anyone see on telly- the defiant landlord in Blackpool?
hely said:
well im a smoker...for my sins, dont smoke in the house or out on the streets, but smoke in my garden...................i cant see how they can ban smoking outside in public places...after all smoking isnt illegal!!
this is the end of my social life, as i dont want to sit out a pub to have a ciggie!!!

maybe its time to quit :thumbsup:

If we all did quit they'd be moaning then Helen because all the cig taxes would have to come from somewhere and guess where that will be out of the anti smokers brigade pockets :- " :thumbsup:

Half of the people I've heard say they will be glad about the smoking ban don't even go out anyway :lol:
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Its amazing even where I work on an open farm. .....we greet the buses of people and school children and some the the parents cant wait to light up as soon as they are off the buses.

the looks on their facs when we say Cigarettes must be extinguished before entering the amazing..... THE LOOKS OF HORROR (w00t)

luckily we dont get that many trying to light up now inside the they realise just how much hay and straw ...animals and childrens lives at risk...

but we used to get those type a few years back - honestly...Its great announcing

This is a NO SMOKING ZONE.. :cheers:

Anyway Ive always hated it in resteraunts and pubs.....its disgusting...
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We even have an exclusion zone around our work place :D

My smoking pals are looking forward to the no smoking rule :- "

Smoking is my major pet hate....but if I was told to quit chocolate :- "

Wonder if I would venture out in bad weather to have a nibble.....I must put that forward at work....paid chocolate break (w00t)
Being fat costs the NHS millions, drinking is the cause of most domestic violence,

taking drugs well we all know about that.

At least us smokers contribute with taxes

Most smokers are not in the least bothered by this law its the santimonious comments that really p.... me off,


Rant over, have to go for a fag :clown: :clown: Jan
As a smoker, when i 1st found out about the smoking ban I was a little miffed...I mean what about our human rights??? :rant:

I had wanted to quit for years tho, and decided that I would try and quit in time for the ban, that was 6days, 9hours and 56mins ago...signed up to a great site called, that tells you how much your saving.

I have saved £29.50 in less than a week or I wold have done if I hadn't bought myself a new dress :- "

I'v been out drinking and it is really, really hard, but I've stuck with it, with a little persuasion from my father (ok, he's bribing me with a celebratory meal when i hit the 4 week mark :lol: )

I've also apparently saved 23hours of my life, BONUS!!! :lol:
jayp said:
Being fat costs the NHS millions, drinking is the cause of most domestic violence,taking drugs well we all know about that.

At least us smokers contribute with taxes

Most smokers are not in the least bothered by this law its the santimonious comments that really p.... me off,


Rant over, have to go for a fag :clown:   :clown: Jan

Thats what annoys me too Jan, I am sick of hearing "oo what are you going to do when the smoking ban comes in" well not smoke in a public place obviously, what do you think I'll do top myself :unsure:

Like Anthony Warrel Thomson said what are they going to do next ban obese people from going out to eat (w00t)
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Like Anthony Warrel Thomson said what are they going to do next ban obese people from going out to eat (w00t)

Actually I wish they would it might help kick start my diet again :b
I smoke.And like it.Must say refraining from smoking where peeps eat is fine with me.


No sex after midnight or during a full moon?
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I really do not care what people do to themselves, however unfortunately smokers force everybody around them to inhale smoke as well. I never really minded that, until I had breast cancer 15 years ago and the radiation therapy burnt my lung. Inhaling cigarette smoke hurts me. It also can set of an asthma attack in some people, which in extreme cases can kill. There is a plenty of evidence passive smoking is harmful. So it is not possible to compare smoking to self-inflicted health problems like obesity.

And yes, if smoking was banned altogether the government would loose your tax money, but the cost of health care would drop.
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I really do not care what people do to themselves, however unfortunately smokers force everybody around them to inhale smoke as well. I never really minded that, until I had breast cancer 15 years ago and the radiation therapy burnt my lung. Inhaling cigarette smoke hurts me. It also can set of an asthma attack in some people, which in extreme cases can kill. There is a plenty of evidence passive smoking is harmful. So it is not possible to compare smoking to self-inflicted health problems like obesity. And yes, if smoking was banned altogether the government would loose your tax money, but the cost of health care would drop.