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Just want to let everyone who attended the Caladonian Thistle P.W.R.C. Fun Day a great big thank you for all the help and making it a great success, over 170 dogs turned up and took part in all events.

All enjoying themselves and having a super day.

Will hope to have two fun days next year instead of the one as it was so successfull

Once again thank you to everyone.

A fab day, here are a few photos from the day

(w00t) I never even seen you take photo's Jill (w00t)

I have lost the program, but will look for it tomorrow for the Beagel Derby result's and the Ped results.

The non ped race for a beautiful trophy and £30 for the winner was won by Ricky (Guess When),,,2nd was Leo(Viv's Destiny) 3rd was Toby (Serendipity) and 4th litter brother Byron,,the non ped racing was over 150yds at 2 foot / lb.

My wee Gizmo won the non ped adult show (god know's how (w00t) ),,he was behaving for once :thumbsup: ,,Robbie got 2nd in the vet show (w00t) ,,Gimzo got 3rd, I think in a puppy show and Ricky won bugger all in the showing :oops: :lol: ,,but won the racing :thumbsup: :p :p

A great day, afternoon and night out :oops:

I hardly seen the kid's :D as they were having a ball on the farm :cheers: What more does a mum want :oops: :oops:

This is a great wee club, who will go out their way for us non ped racers :D This wee club is better than going to opens as great banter, toilets , great schooling for Gizmo and fantastic people,,what running whippets is all about :cheers: :cheers: ,,In whole HAVING FUN :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We enjoyed ourselves too Maggie Im proud to say that wee Ruby won two rosettes, 4th place on the day. well done to her.