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Christmas Dinner...


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I must say I do cook extra veggies etc for the dogs on sundays... but I wonder how many of us will be putting extra christmas dinners up for our fur kids?

I remember saving left over veggies for bubble'n'squeek and I had a dog then... guess I just can't be bothered to cook bubble'n'squeek any more...
expect the hound will be getting some veg and meat, an expect he'll put on a act in front any they dont feed me enough eyes.......... he does get fed enough tho if anybody wonders! only the best cuts aswell!
I always cook way too much food for the Christmas dinner so Evie will enjoy her first Christmas dinner :- "

Yes my lot get their own Christmas dinner including little Yorkshire puddings! :D
We NEVER cook Xmas dinner for ourselves as none of us like Turkey & so we always go out for Xmas lunch to a restaurant where you can have another choice BUT.........................................

Every year without fail my mum buys a 10lb Turkey, which she cooks the night before & when we get home puts on all the veg, roasties, yorkshire puddings, stuffing, the lot & our lot have their Xmas Day dinner then complete with gravy :))

Spoilt or what :thumbsup:

We bought us a new book, especially about recipes for dogs. (biscuits...)

Last week, my boyfriend already tried one of the recipes and Dobé loved the biscuits.

I'm sure Dobé will get some new self-made biscuits with Christmas :D


=> More info about the book
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I always make enough dinner for a small country even though there's only three of us (w00t) :b so i think the girls will be having a christmas dinner too, although I might leave off the sprouts for them the odours they omit are bad enough :x :lol:
Zair will be getting his first Xmas dinner and Pedro will also get his annual Xmas dinner! I would feel really mean if i didn't let them share in the Xmas dinner celebrations and I am sure that there will be clean bowls on Xmas day!
Yes Im guilty of making far too much too - Traditional Turkey and PorK too, Potatoes, roast parsnips, sprouts,turnip carrots and peas - and Cauliflower - love veggies. Yorkshire puddings here too of course even though we are in County Durham :lol: gravy,stuffing, bacon/sausage roasted rolls and cranberry sauce.

Yes there will be plenty for Oscar and Kobi too. :thumbsup: (with giblets )
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