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Chrissy Whippet


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Hi i just thought id come and let those of you who may rember us know about what chrissys been up to.

shes been poorly of late and different vets couldnt find anything wrong with her , she was very poorly at the begining of the week so i took her to a different vet that i had used previously. and he agreed that she was very distressed and offered to remove her last four teeth, this has been an op that i have wanted done for a long while but which other vets had deemed too dangerious in a little dog of advancing years . it is apparantly very risky but the man upstairs was on our side and she has made it thru the operation. she has eaten since and although resting all day seems ok in her self , she hasnt been crying like she was before the op.

attached are links for two pics taken after the operation, one is just after she had just got home the other is a few hours later when someone asled me on another forum how big she was , she is this big lol ive used a mc donalds cup for scale as i didnt want to wake her .
Glad she is getting over her operation. She looks such a tiny sweet, sweet girl, I wish you both all the best .

Jaw operations on whippets can be so risky, removing teeth especially as the roots go so deep on such a small jaw.

Hope all the problems that she had are now a thing of the past.

Get well soon Chrissy, you are a lovely girl. :huggles:
Awww lots of hugs and well wishes for a speedy recovery for Chrissie :huggles: :luck: and hope you are ok after what must have been a very worrying time :huggles: :huggles:
Awwwwwwwww, bless her! :wub: :wub:

Lots of :huggles: to Chrissie
Hope she's soon feeling much better! :huggles: :thumbsup:
:wub: Beautiful ......... Loads of :huggles:
aww - lots of love and best wishes :luck: :luck:
What alittle darling :luck: :wub: get well soon :huggles:
Aaahh, the little love. :wub: :wub: Removing rotten teeth can make such a difference to the quality of life of an older dog - so hopefully she will be feeling much happier very soon. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Am so pleased that the op went well.

Chrissy is just :wub: :wub: :wub: and will hopefully feel much better soon.
its been a scary recovery but today we are making real progress. this morning she barked properly for the first time since having the operation she has eaten half a can of recovery food and a sachet and a half of hi life .she also drank on her own for the first time since the operation which as you can imagine is a HUGE relief and to top it all she has wagged her tail. you cant imagine how happy i am today :) seeing her so sad the past few days was seriously making me wonder if i had done the right thing . but now i can see she is definatly on the road to recovery :)