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Does anyone have chickens if so, can you recommend where i could puchase a chicken house with run or is anyone selling one

I'll be getting two pet chickens soon for my 4year old son, my OH could make one but i thought i would ask on here first

Ive looked on the web/ebay and they,re quite pricing for what you get .
You could make one much cheaper if you can use a hammer and nails :lol: or a decent cheap shed would do with a home made run around it.

My dad uses a shed where they are locked up a night and free range during the daytime...

we also have a triangular type run for small chicks.
haycroft said:
Does anyone have chickens if so, can you recommend where i could puchase a chicken house with run or is anyone  selling one
I'll be getting two pet chickens soon for my 4year old son, my OH could make one but i thought i would ask on here first

Ive looked on the web/ebay and they,re quite pricing for what you get .

Have you checked out cotswold poultry, or, they do a moderately sized coop for £112 which is the cheapest (no pun intended!) i've seen, and i saw it assembled at alton show and it's quite nice and cosy! :D
rustypolecat said:
haycroft said:
Does anyone have chickens if so, can you recommend where i could puchase a chicken house with run or is anyone  selling one
I'll be getting two pet chickens soon for my 4year old son, my OH could make one but i thought i would ask on here first

Ive looked on the web/ebay and they,re quite pricing for what you get .

Have you checked out cotswold poultry, or, they do a moderately sized coop for £112 which is the cheapest (no pun intended!) i've seen, and i saw it assembled at alton show and it's quite nice and cosy! :D

Really easy to make your own coop and loads cheaper all the best with the chickens.
oohhh chickens.............i'll be coming round to see them :D
You will have endless fun with pet chickens! we trained ours (chuck) she was allowed to wander round ppls gardens (with their permission obviously) and when we shouted chuck she would cum running back into the garden. She got on with benji, laid an egg everyday and would try and eat my brothers bacon butties! :eek: :p However the dog next door finally did for her poor ol lass :(
Thanks for the replys :) i think we,ll try and make one , as i want a walk-in run so my son can go in and handle them approx 6-7 ft by 3-4 ft

My son cant wait for them, we're getting them from a neighbour the chicks hasn't even hatched yet

Cant have them roaming the garden as the dogs will try and eat chickens yummy
rach125 said:
You will have endless fun with pet chickens! we trained ours (chuck) she was allowed to wander round ppls gardens (with their permission obviously) and when we shouted chuck she would cum running back into the garden. She got on with benji, laid an egg everyday and would try and eat my brothers bacon butties! :eek:   :p However the dog next door finally did for her poor ol lass :(