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Chatsworth 2007 - Anyone Going?

Ann Glews

New Member
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Hi just wondering if anyone is going to Chatsworth Country Fair in a couple of weeks. I enjoyed it last year.

Maybe I will see some of the K9 Whippets there? :thumbsup:
dont know about k9 whipps but you'll certainly see plenty of k9 lurchers, my two included sat and sun. :cheers:
[SIZE=14pt]If anyone has never been it is an excellent day out.[/SIZE]


Not particularly cheap to get in, based on 'per car' rather than per person (unless that has changed in recent years), well worth it IMHO



Get there early or you will be queuing for hours
Usually £15 per person Sunday and £12.50 I think the other 2 days......

Dawn gave a top tip with the early bird thing. Lots going on and Kids go free from memory.
there is a few off us coming over from N.I :D we r getting are ferry over on friday night then driving down to it through the night so it will be a long day for us :eek: we will prob be there there for 6am think that is early enough,LOL (w00t) we r collecting a new edition while we r over too, :wub: so we r quite excited (w00t) will be nice to meet a few k9er's aswell :thumbsup: goodluck to all who go :luck:

Rose :)
I'll be there on saturday.

It's £12.50 friday and saturday and £15.00 on Sunday.


hi we have never been before what events do they do for the lurchers there? can you park near the lurcher ring or have you got to park in the car park?

Hi there, Chatsworth details:Friday 10am -superdog event,on site members or anyone wishing to compete.

Saturday9am -simulated coursing,first dogs in slips 9am,straight racing,hurdle racing,long jump,obedience,showing.Obedience am. for last qualifier,showing start 1pm.Obedience championship 1.30.Junior handling championship 4.15.

Sunday- simulated coursing,first dogs in slips 9am.Straight racing,hurdle racing,showing.all racing am. showing start 12 noon.

NLRC championship 4pm.

Use Baslow entrance - golden gate- to get to lurcher carpark.


Hope to see many of you there!! Morganna

I hope to go, think im Cross countrying the horses on sunday but will try n go.
We'll be there on the Saturday. Both lurchers are entered in the agility show/demo

Hebe would much rather be doing the lure coursing but we probably won't be able to do both.

Hope to see a few of you there :)

dawn said:
[SIZE=14pt]If anyone has never been it is an excellent day out.[/SIZE] 

Not particularly cheap to get in, based on 'per car' rather than per person (unless that has changed in recent years), well worth it IMHO



Get there early or you will be queuing for hours

different ones have told us its not much good, but we will judge that for ourselves, how early would u need to be there, really looking forward to it, i think u can get a 2 day pass, Dee
different ones have told us its not much good, but we will judge that for ourselves, how early would u need to be there, really looking forward to it, i think u can get a 2 day pass, Dee

it opens at 9am :thumbsup: